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Little Light of Mine (Club Decadence) Page 18

  “I’m ready to whip your pussy now, slave.” He turned her to face the crowd gathered around the roped off scene area before whispering in her ear. “Open your eyes and show them that your Master controls your body and your pleasure. Let them hear you scream as I whip your glorious pussy to orgasm.”

  He changed the angle of his lashes so they were coming up between her thighs now, striking her with sensual stroke after stroke. She hung from her wrist restraints and a keening cry rose from her lips. She thrust her hips forward and spread her legs wider, encouraging the flails to land against her painfully aroused clit.

  “Come for me, my slave. Show everyone how you surrender your pleasure to your Master.”

  Elena’s orgasm ripped through her as he continued the sensual torment of her pussy with the flogger. She cried out her release in a throaty exclamation of joy and her vision blurred momentarily as she soared. As the crowd came back into focus, her eyes made contact with a tall blonde in the audience. Her foggy mind tried to comprehend her presence. Shelby… she had supposedly left and been suspended. As she smirked at her, a man stepped up beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Elena couldn’t think clearly, but she knew something was seriously wrong. The endorphin rush brought on by her flogging and the release of her orgasm warred with the adrenalin burst that rushed her system as fear encompassed her. Her heart raced and her breathing became labored. She broke out in a cold sweat as an overwhelming sense of fear swept through her.

  The couple grinned menacingly at her then turned to leave. Elena tried to speak, to stop them, to warn someone to stop them. She couldn’t form any words and she began to panic and shake uncontrollably. She stiffened as much as her exhausted muscles would allow. Dex recognized her anxiety at once and stopped. “What is it Elena?”

  She opened her mouth to say one word. It wouldn’t come out. She licked her dry lips and tried again. She felt cool liquid moisten her lips and knew he was holding a bottle to her mouth. “Drink baby and come back to me.”

  She tried again “red” came out in a whisper.

  “What?” Startled, Dex thought he must have heard her wrong but wasn’t sure. “Say again?”

  “Red.” Once freed, her dazed mind prompted her to repeat the word over and over. Each successive word emerged at an increased volume, “Red,” until she had her full voice again. “Red” she screamed the only word she was capable of, “RED!”

  Jonas who was on DM duty appeared instantly, “Holy shit, Dex! Get her down right now.” As Dex supported her limp body, Jonas reached up to unfasten the quick release on her cuffs. Rick who came up on his other side handed Dex a sub blanket which he wrapped around her before lifting her into his arms. He moved through the stunned crowd on his way to one of the couches. Rick met him there with a water bottle and some chocolate. They watched as Elena began to shudder violently in his arms, the whole while incessantly repeating The Club’s safeword but now at a much lower volume. Internally she was struggling to speak and it looked like she was already in the grip of a full blown panic attack.

  “Elena, you have to calm down. Take some deep breaths. Listen to my voice, breath in, breath out. Good. Again, breath in, breath out. Again.”

  Dex continued to talk her down, holding her tightly as she came down from her panic which once again allowed the pleasure inducing endorphins that had flooded her system to dominate. When her respirations were under control again he held the water bottle to her mouth.

  “Just take a small sip. Then relax and come back to me.”

  She tried to speak but her voice came out only as a rough and raspy sound.

  “Drink slave, now.” He made his voice intentionally harsh, using his best Master’s tone trying to connect with her deep-rooted submissive side. It worked as she instantly stopped the incoherent muttering and obediently took a small sip of water.


  “Shelby?” Dex was stunned by this, the first word she had murmured after crashing was Shelby? “What about her sweetheart?”

  “Shelby was here, she was watching me, with a man.”

  Dex’s eyes flew to Jonas and then to Rick. “She’s supposed to be on suspension. Find Sean.”

  “I’m here Dex.” Sean was standing behind the couch with the emergency medical box in his hands. He had been watching the bizarre scene unfold. He was a medic in the Army and was a certified paramedic and had been ready to intervene medically if Dex hadn’t been able to bring Elena out of her panic.

  “Find her. I want the bitch out of my club. Now!” He issued his order in a cold, steely voice and as in the army Jonas and Sean snapped to command. Even Rick who had been his superior leapt into action. No one wanted Shelby in their Club.”

  Jonas, Rick and Sean all answered, “I’m on it,” and then scattered to locate her.

  “Hush now.” Dex rocked her back and forth as she whimpered softly in his arms. “We’ll find her.”

  Elena started shaking her head. Regan appeared next to him and offered a piece of unwrapped chocolate. “Sugar always helps me, Master Dex.” Elena accepted it and as she let it melt on her tongue, she closed her eyes and replayed the images she saw in her mind.

  Shelby and that man, grinning, smirking. The man leering and looking remarkably like… Oh my God! She struggled to sit up but Dex held her tighter. “Rest baby, please, you’re scaring the shit out of me.”

  “Eduardo, Dex. It was Eduardo. He was with Shelby.” Her exhausted mind, having finally remembered what was bothering her, shut down then and she eased back in his arms and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  Elena rolled over in the bed and squinted blearily at the clock. “Dex?”

  “I’m here.” He rolled towards her his voice rough from sleep.

  “Sorry I woke you, I wasn’t sure where you were.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m sore all over and feel sick to my stomach. I think I’m getting the flu.”

  “I’m afraid its sub drop, little one. That was one of the most intense cases I have ever seen in all my years as a Dom. Let’s get you into the tub for a soak.” He stroked her hair back as he looked at her face, assessing, searching and not liking what he was finding. “Seeing that bastard shocked you, I didn’t get the chance to bring you down slowly like I usually do. The sudden flood of adrenaline from your fear brought on a panic attack right in the middle of subspace and caused you to crash. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. You scared the hell out of me.” Glad she was back with him he hugged her close and kissed her tenderly.

  “I’m sorry you were scared, Master. I was enjoying myself until-,” Elena remembered the confusion and the overwhelming fear.

  “Elena!” Her eyes flashed back to meet his when he barked her name. “Do not go there again. Are you still with me?”

  “Yes, what is wrong with me I feel so…” she couldn’t find the words and shook her head in frustration.

  “Don’t worry I’ll take care of you.” He stroked her cheek, looking intently into her eyes. “Are you all right for me to go for a minute and start the tub?”

  As she stared at him, mildly disoriented, he shook his head. “You’re not OK. I’ll take you with me.”

  Scooping her up in his strong arms, blanket and all, he carried her to the bathroom. Sitting her on the closed toilet, he started filling the Jacuzzi, watching her carefully the entire time. Finally, he set her down in the tub and turned on the jets. “Come in with me please Dex.” She held up her arms to him and he couldn’t say no to her request. He needed some aftercare, too. So, he stripped off his boxer briefs and climbed in behind her.

  “Since when do you wear boxers to bed?”

  “Since a certain naked sub, who was only half conscious at the time, started rubbing her naked body all over me. You practically mounted me, baby.”

  “Really? I don’t remember any of that.”

  “Damn them. I had you flying higher than ever before and the mere sight of them
brought you crashing down. After you remembered about Shelby and-,” he stopped abruptly unsure of what she actually remembered.

  “And Eduardo. I remember that Dex. It’s just foggy after you got me down from the chains.”

  “Yeah, well after you remembered seeing Shelby with Eduardo, you passed out in my arms. Fortunately, Doc Andrews was in The Club and examined you. He said you were just exhausted. Your vitals were OK and that I should take you home and you should rest. I carried you out of The Club and Rick drove us home in his truck. We took the bike, remember?”

  “Yeah, I love your bike, Dex.” She was obviously still not thinking clearly and was easily distracted. “I love how I get to plaster myself against you and hold you tight while that powerful machine hums away between my legs. It’s a lot like sex and practically orgasmic.” She sank lower in the tub, snuggling in his arms as the warm, swirling water soothed her sore muscles and stimulated her circulation.

  “Good to know, babe.” He chuckled at her response and the sudden change in topic. At least she wasn’t worrying about Shelby and Eduardo right now. Good, his goal was to relax her. He grabbed her shampoo and massaged it into her hair, then asked a question he had long wondered about. “Why did you cut your beautiful long hair,Chiquita?”

  “I couldn’t stand it anymore. He used it like a rope.”


  “Luis, while he was attacking me, he wrapped it around his wrist and used it to hold me still then he-.” She still couldn’t bring herself to say the word.

  “Christ!” His voice came out like a sob. She wiggled around in his arms until she was lying front to front with him. His head was thrown back and a big hand covered his eyes and half his face.

  She cupped his face with her small, delicate hands. “I’m sorry, Dex. I’ve had over two years to adjust, no that’s the wrong word. I don’t know, maybe ‘process’ would be better. But I’ve had a lot longer to deal with this than you and I forget that sometimes.”

  He opened his eyes and looked at her, the pain apparent. “Don’t apologize for what that bastard did to you. I’ll tell you again and again and again until it sinks in. You were the victim and you have nothing to be sorry, guilty, or ashamed of. This was something that was done to you - not by you -and I will not allow you to take the blame for it. Understood?”

  “Understood, I love you so much Dex. You’ll never know how much I wanted to talk to you about all of it. To confide in my best friend about the pain, the rage and humiliation would have been a game changer. I feel like such an idiot now for hiding it from you.”

  “I know honey. That is the only thing you are responsible for in this whole situation, not confiding in me. But you have learned you can never do that again, haven’t you?”

  “Yes Sir. I’ll never keep anything from you again.” She leaned her head against his wet chest and sighed in contentment as his arms wrapped her up tight.



  “That’s what we’ll have in our marriage, transparency.”

  She didn’t know if he realized what he said. Had it slipped out by accident? He hadn’t once brought up marriage since they’d gotten back together, until now. She wanted it though, so badly. She lay against him in the warm bath and her body began to respond to his. Both were wet and slippery and she easily began to glide her hips against his hard body.

  “You’re feeling better now, Elena?”

  “Yes Master.” She separated her legs and moved so she was straddling his muscular thighs and rubbed against his impressively hard length. “I don’t think we got to finish my punishment last night, did we?”

  “If you think that flogging was a punishment, I need to retake BDSM 101.” He grinned down at the top of her wet head as his hands slipped low to grab and squeeze her round, wet globes that were just barely poking out of the water. He landed a stinging splat to each cheek. “Are you asking for another spanking my naughty girl?”

  “Only if you deem it necessary Master.” Then she giggled against his broad chest and licked away a few droplets of water from his salty skin. “But I was really thinking since you did such a magnificent job with my paddling and whipping last night….I thought maybe…you might like to follow it up with an even more magnificent… fucking.”

  Dex stifled a laugh at her outrageous comment. How he had missed this sassy little minx during their separation. Still he corrected her immediately by bending his legs and lifting her naughty behind even further out of the water. With this well-placed target, he proceeded to wallop her little ass with a dozen stinging smacks. “Potty mouthed girls get spanked,Chiquita. You know that.” Finished, he grabbed a rounded cheek in each palm and slid her up his long body. He expertly spread her thighs and slipped into her soaking wet pussy all in one motion.

  Startled by the sudden invasion after the equally sudden paddling, she gasped, “Dex you fu-, uh fill me so good.”

  He squeezed her tender cheeks and dipped his fingers between the globes as he tenderly stroked her from her tight little asshole to where they were joined below. “Good catch, baby.” He nuzzled her neck and nipped at her ear. “I know those smacks sting more on wet skin. You wouldn’t want to earn any more with that naughty tongue now would you?”

  “No way, Dex I’ll be good.” She sat up and with a mischievous smile and looked down at him. She wiggled her hips, grinding her clit against him as she rode him in the warm, bubbling water. She squealed when she felt one of his long fingers dip into her bottom hole. Then she arched her back and gave him a stunning display of her slick naked flesh. With both his hands occupied, she started gliding her own wet hands up her belly to her breasts where she proceeded to pinch and roll her own nipples. She felt so good being with him that she was high spirited and playful again. “You know Master, sometimes the F-word just fits so perfectly.” She winked at him saucily. “I could say that I’d like you to screw me, or hump me, or bang me, but it lacks finesse and isn’t very ladylike.” She rolled her hips and ground against him, leaning forward she dragged her hard nipples across his slick chest as she rode him faster. “No words can describe the carnal wanton animalistic sex I want with you except for that perfectly vulgar word that begins with F. So what would you say if I only used it when I wanted it like that?”

  “No slave, you know I don’t like that vulgar language from your beautiful mouth.”

  “Not even if I asked when I was naked and spread before you?” Her hands rose to his chest and she abraded his small, flat nipples.

  “Not even then.” She could tell she was getting to him. His voice was deep and husky and rough with passion.

  She grinned wickedly as she leaned over him licking up his neck to his earlobe which she captured between her teeth knowing how much he loved it. “Please,” she cajoled in a sweetly singsong voice. “Just when I want you to take me wild and rough… like now? Just now Master, can I use the f-word just this once?”

  “All right slave, but just this once.”

  Slipping her tongue into his ear, she traced the tip around the edge before dipping inside for a fraction of a second.

  “I want you to use me hard and fast. Can I say it now, Master?”

  “Yes, slave. Permission granted.”

  Grinning wickedly she whispered in his ear in a low, sultry, seductive voice. “OK, then I’ll say it. Please Master, fornicate me.”

  She squealed as he surged up out of the water with her clasped firmly in his arms. He set her down on all fours atop the thick bath mat and slammed into her from behind. “Your wish is my command you naughty, teasing slave. I’ll fornicate you so hard you won’t walk straight for a week.” She squealed in delight and her laughter joined with his as they fornicated again and again on the bathroom floor. Later, they cuddled close in their comfortable bed, both lying exhausted but happy in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Elena felt tired and drained the entire next day. Dex made her stay at home and in bed for thre
e. She grumbled, complained and bitched which led to the two well-deserved over the knee spankings she had earned with her behavior. Finally, she gave in and obeyed. She knew his need for caretaking equaled her need to be taken care of. However, she was bored out of her mind. So, on the last day of her confinement she invited her friends over to keep her company. When Dex came home after work that evening he found Lexie, Joanna, Regan, Megan and little Connor and Caleb had invaded his living room.

  He looked at Elena with that raised brow that all good Doms seemed to possess. “You are supposed to be resting,Chiquita.”

  Regan was the first to defend her friend. “She has been Dex; we’ve waited on her hand and foot.”

  Joanna chimed in. “I cooked her a good hot lunch and have something warming in the oven for you two for dinner.”

  Lexie added, “And as a licensed health care professional, I oversaw the whole thing so I can verify she did indeed rest today.”

  They all smiled innocently at the big, intimidating Dom. He turned to Megan and admired her sleeping two-week-old twins. “I’m surprised Cap let you out of the house already Meg.”

  “I’m supposed to be resting also, outside of caring for my two handsome gentlemen here. And I can promise you Dex that I contributed nothing but my company and the boys as entertainment today. I’ll thank you to let Cap know that when he asks you about it later on.” The others burst out laughing as Megan campaigned for his support. They knew that Cap was a strict disciplinarian. He had set forth rules for his wife that encompassed her health and safety and now they extended to his newborn sons. Any deviation from what was expected would be taken out on Megan’s behind.