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Little Light of Mine (Club Decadence) Page 19

  The following Wednesday Elena was back at The Club performing in the lounge as scheduled. It was LBD Wednesday, which had become a weekly event. The girls were joined by a few other friends and the margaritas were being consumed by the pitcher. Elena smiled at the crowd from behind her microphone. She looked beyond the head table and noticed that most of the other women present were also in little black dresses of one style or another. Regan and Megan were indeed the trendsetters at The Club.

  During her first break she visited with her friends at their table. She was amused at the constant parade of Doms, mostly owners that passed by the table to “check in” with their girls. Megan had muttered, “More like checkup on.” This was her first night back since giving birth and she had until 10 o’clock before she needed to get home to her babies. She actually signaled for Tony about thirty minutes early when she moaned uncomfortably as her breasts, full of milk, became too painful. She apologized to her friends who watched in understanding as the new parents eagerly left to go home to their adorable sons.

  Before her break was over, Master Sean came to find Elena and surprised her by asking to speak to her privately. She was further shocked when he apologized. “Elena, I’m sorry and take full responsibility for last week and the incident with Shelby.”

  “Why? How did you have anything to do with her slapping me and being a… witch.” She grinned impishly at him, she’d come a hair from using the B word in front of Sean. He shook her off though, serious and intent on the discussion.

  “I believed the Sub on duty when she told me she had already left. I told her about the suspension and not to allow her to return. She says she didn’t, but there was a shift change later. I haven’t been able to talk to that sub yet, but she had to have let her back in. Although I’d already deactivated her thumb print from the scanner.” Sean looked away with a frown. Elena could see the look of frustration and concern on his face.

  “Shelby still being here was a surprise. Eduardo being here with her was shocking. Did she usually keep company with drug dealers?”

  “Not that I ever knew, but she must have been the one to let him in the member’s area. It’s the only explanation. Regardless, I am re-keying the entire place and resetting the thumbprint security system. Everyone will have to be re-scanned on their next visit. She won’t get passed security again, I promise. I’m also adding video monitors at all outside doors and scanners at the member’s only entrance so that non-members will have to enter through the main entrance. No exceptions. Until the upgrades are installed, we’ll have men stationed at every door.”

  “Do you think all of that is necessary?”

  “Yes, I won’t risk your safety or any of the other member’s. Besides ensuring everyone’s safety, we need to safeguard their privacy as well. Our high profile member’s expect it.”

  “Thank you, Master Sean. Not only for your concern for me, but for Dex’s peace of mind. He has been on edge lately.”

  “Don’t I know it. He’s been all over my ass this past week. I even offered to be his whipping boy for single tail practice, but he told me to fuck off and just do my job. My job is security.” Looking at Elena he vowed, “I won’t let either of you down again, Elena. I swear.”

  During the second break, Elena headed back to her dressing room to freshen up before her final set. Dex was pulling DM duty in the dungeon due to a last minute scheduling conflict by another Dom and wouldn’t be done until midnight. She planned to join him there to watch the play when she finished. As the Master Dom and senior managing partner for The Club, he rarely pulled DM duty, instead floating throughout the play areas available to the staff and the members alike. But tonight it couldn’t be helped.

  Elena was putting the finishing touches on her lipstick and was ready to return when someone entered her dressing room without knocking. She turned and was shocked to find Shelby standing behind her with a gun pointed directly at her chest. Please God, not again.

  “Shelby, how did you get in here?”

  A smug little smile crossed her face and she shrugged, “I still have friend’s here, bitch. You haven’t ruined that for me yet.”

  Elena instantly thought about Sean. He was going to lose his shit when he learned about another security breach. Even his elaborate new security plan didn’t have a contingency plan for an inside job. She’d have to discuss it with him, if she lived that long.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you out of The Club and out of my Master’s life.”

  Elena believed the girl had finally lost touch with reality. The crazed look in her eyes frightened her. She kept an eye on the gun as she spoke, “What do you want me to do?”

  “You are going to walk very quietly to the back exit where you will leave and never return. Do you understand me, you man-thieving bitch?”

  “Yes, I’ll do whatever you ask just please be careful with that gun.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do.” Shelby’s usually low controlled voice was shrill and grating. “Now move!” She gestured to the door with the weapon. “I’ll be right behind you so don’t try anything stupid.”

  Elena made her way out of her dressing room and toward the rear exit. It was a short distance away and they didn’t pass anyone as they left. When they walked down the steps to the parking lot, Elena gasped as she saw Kyle, one of the Rossi Security men lying unconscious at the bottom. Blood was streaming from a head wound. She bent to assist him, but Shelby pushed her from behind.

  “Leave him and get in the car.” She ordered as they both step over the body. Elena saw a black car waiting with the engine running and the back door wide open. The front passenger door opened then and she saw Eduardo step out. Elena froze in panic but resumed her steps quickly when Shelby pressed the hard barrel of the gun against her back. “Get in the back, bitch.”

  When she was in range, Eduardo grabbed her arm, forced her into the back seat and climbed in behind her. Shelby slipped into the front passenger seat beside Bobby who quickly shifted the car into gear and drove off. She tried to watch where they were going, but instead found herself busy fighting off the groping hands that were undoing the fasteners on her top.

  “Stop it. Where are you taking me? What do you want?”

  Bobby chuckled from the driver’s seat. “Just tying up a few loose ends.”

  Frustrated, Eduardo ripped apart the ties on her bustier and bared her from the waist up. He roughly grabbed her breasts as she screamed and struggled. “I’m getting me some of what I was promised by Luis a long, long time ago.” He clamped a hand over her mouth and pressed her head back against the seat. “Quiet bitch. I know you like it rough so give me a taste of what you give your Master, eh?”

  Elena’s mind reeled. She was going to be raped, again. She couldn’t believe it. She cried and yelled and screamed but the sound was muffled behind Eduardo’s hand. He bent his head to bite her nipple and used his free hand to pinch and twist the other painfully. Incensed, she clawed the side of his face, her long nails raked down his skin leaving deep furrows and making him bleed.

  “Fucking bitch.” He reared back and slapped her face, hard. The power of the blow sent her flying against the side door. “I am going to make you pay for that. When we get where we’re going I’m going to mess you up.”

  He used her corset strings to tie her hands tightly behind her back and then dabbed at his injured face with his T-shirt. When he saw the blood stains from the deep scratches he cursed her again, slapped her several more times then went back to roughly playing with her exposed tits.

  It wasn’t long before the car came to a stop. Eduardo pulled Elena from the back seat and dragged her into what looked like an old abandoned warehouse. He pushed and dragged her up some stairs to a room on the second floor. She fought frantically as she saw the whipping post that was set up in the middle of the room.

  Bobby laughed as he sat in a chair and pulled a smiling Shelby down on his lap. He shoved a hand in her blouse and started squeezing h
er breasts. “We’ll sit right here and enjoy the show, won’t we Shelby my slave?”

  “Yes, Master,” Shelby agreed and smiled as she rubbed against Bobby stroking his chest and moving her hand to his fly.

  “Yeah slut, suck my dick while I watch Eduardo whip your friend.”

  “She’s no friend of mine!” Shelby reared up in outrage, abandoning Bobby’s hard cock.

  “Get your mouth around my cock, slut. And don’t stop sucking me until I say so.”

  Elena turned her head from the sight of Bobby forcing Shelby’s head to his crotch and forcefully driving into her mouth. She could hear the other woman choking and gasping for breath.

  Eduardo whispered in her ear, “Yeah bitch, that’s gonna be you real soon. But first, I am going to punish you for scratching me with those claws. It’s your turn to bleed.”

  He dragged her to the whipping post and attached her bound wrists above her head. He then ripped the rest of her clothes from her struggling body, leaving her bare and vulnerable. He walked away and Elena was startled by the crack of a whip which reverberated like a gun shot in the mostly empty room. Scared out of her mind, Elena risked a glance over her shoulder and screamed at what she saw. Eduardo had a twelve foot bullwhip in his hand, the length of which was coiled on the floor around his feet. “Please, don’t. I’ll do what you want just don’t whip me.” She begged and cried. She knew the bullwhip would cut her skin to ribbons and she didn’t expect that this psychopath planned on doing anything less.

  He cracked the whip again and laughed as she screamed and fought her restraints.

  “Better stay still bitch, if you move I might miss and hit important parts like your face, or your tits, or your dirty whore’s cunt.” Bobby joined in his laughter. Having finished in Shelby’s mouth, he had her straddling his lap to watch, his hand playing across her naked tits and spread pussy.

  “Whip her, my friend. I want to watch the bitch that killed Luis bleed.”

  “No, please. I didn’t kill Luis! Please God, don’t do this.” Elena cried hysterically as she pulled feebly at her restraints.

  Eduardo was done waiting and she watched as he drew his arm back. She turned her face away at the last moment protecting herself. The whip cracked but she didn’t feel anything, only heard his maniacal laugh. He was messing with her, tormenting her mind and enjoying every minute of it. She heard the whip whoosh through the air and then it cracked igniting a line of burning fire and excruciating pain that cut through her body. She felt her skin break as the long lash cut across her, striking both buttocks and wrapping around her hip and thigh.

  A blood curdling cry escaped her lips from the agony of the burning pain. She felt dizzy and her vision became distorted by a flash of bright, white light. A loud bang and gun shots exploded in the room just as she braced for another strike of the whip. Yelling, cursing and more gunshots echoed through the room. Elena hung from her wrists helpless and confused. She flinched and struggled when she felt an arm wrapping around her waist and a strong chest supporting her body at the front. She heard the sound of her own voice screaming, “No please, no more.”

  “Hush,Chiquita. I’ve got you.” The familiar voice comforted her distraught brain and she slumped against him sobbing out her relief and pain as someone else cut the restraints free. The traumatic events of the evening overtaxed her beleaguered mind and as he gently lifted her she passed out cold in his arms.

  She woke a long while later, dazed and confused. She was lying on her stomach on an unfamiliar narrow bed. Panicked, she pushed up on her forearms and rolled to her side when a searing line of fire attacked her ass and right thigh.

  “Easy baby, stay still.”

  She turned her head and saw Dex bending over her with a concerned look on his face.

  “Yes, I’m here.” He stroked her shoulder and back gently. “Please don’t move, baby. You’re injured and have some stitches. I don’t want you moving and hurting yourself anymore.”

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re in the emergency room. The doctor stitched you up and said once you were awake I could take you on home.”

  “Let’s go now, Dex, please.” Elena began to sob as the memories came flooding back. “Please take me home now.”

  Lexie came in just then and moved to Elena’s bedside. “Honey, you’ll have to calm down if you want to leave. You have been through quite a trauma.”

  “Deep breaths,Chiquita.” He watched as the panic continued to rise and he switched to his best dominant voice. “I want you to breathe with me now, Elena. Breathe in, breathe out. Good, again.” Just as he’d done at The Club, Dex talked her down and got her to relax. After about five minutes of breath control, she rested quietly.

  “That’s amazing, Dex,” Lexie stated, having never seen anything quite like it before.

  “Yeah, you are getting quite good at that, Master.”

  “Let’s not make a habit of it, OK?” He bent his head and rested his forehead against her shoulder. He planned to take his woman off to someplace tropical and relax on the beach for days, maybe weeks. The stress in their lives lately was killing them.

  “Dex, what happened with-?”

  “They’re dead and Shelby is under arrest. You’re safe now.”

  “Thank God!”

  “I already have baby, believe me. I already have.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Detective Hixson entered the offices of Rossi Security with a file folder under her arm. She was worried about her cousins who kept getting sucked into dangerous situations because of their association with the Rossi men. First Megan was held hostage, Regan got captured and was assaulted. This time it was Elena who was raped, kidnapped, beaten and whipped with a friggin’ bullwhip. If things continued like this someone was going to wind up dead.

  She entered the conference room and noticed that the only remaining chair was next to Antonio Minnelli or Lil T as he was known to the team. Her cousins had told her all about him. He was a man-slut and a tri-sexual. They actually used those terms for him and had laughed as they explained that it meant he would try anything sexually. She knew he was a Dom and flirted with anything in a skirt. She also knew he was the sexiest man she had ever seen.

  Tamping down her soaring libido, she took the seat next to him just as Tony Rossi walked in and started the meeting. Lil T flashed a brief smile before he turned his attention to the boss. Angela knew she wasn’t his type so didn’t need to worry about him turning on the charm for her. In her white shirt, black pants and sensible shoes she was the farthest thing from his usual cute, ultra feminine type of woman. The sidearm she carried probably didn’t make her appear any more womanly either. She let out a soft, barely audible sigh as she resigned herself to being one of the boys again.

  A second later a huge, warm hand touched hers. “Everything OK, honey?” A shockwave of electricity shot up her arm and rolled through her body until it concentrated directly on her clit.

  “I’m fine, thanks.” Somehow she got the words out and he released her hand. She was dangerously close to succumbing to an insane desire to jump his bones and grind her pussy against his undoubtedly fine piece of equipment. She sat there quietly and tried to regain her equilibrium.


  “What?” Embarrassed, Angela looked up to see every pair of eyes in the room centered on you.

  Lil T leaned over to help her out. “He wants you to tell us what you found in Shelby’s apartment.” His warm breath brushed over her cheek and set her aflame again.

  “Yeah, sorry I’m a little distracted by another case.” She opened the file in front of her, determined to finish the meeting as the consummate professional that she was.

  “Apparently Shelby has been stalking not only Dex but the rest of your team as well. We found copies of all the emails, stacks of newspaper clippings about your team, and some provocative pictures she took at The Club.”

  Silence hung over the room as they all tried to assimilate the news t
hat Shelby was their email stalker. They had thought she was a jealous, vulnerable sub who had been used by evil men.

  Jonas spoke up first. “She couldn’t have been working alone. She has been employed at The Club consistently for the past year. I can’t remember her calling in sick, let alone running around the east coast sending emails from internet cafés.”

  Angela had more and held up her hand for silence. “It looks like she is actually a pawn. We found that she has been making regular monthly deposits of $5,000. They are all in cash so I suspect she was being paid by someone to spy on your team at The Club.”

  “Did she admit to any of this?” Dex questioned. He couldn’t believe he had been involved with the woman and she was spying on his club.

  “No, she lawyered up.”

  “Can we look at these pictures? Our members will freak if they think there are pics of them at The Club.”

  “I looked through them all and they are almost exclusively of your team and your women. There are only two that I found with unsubs.” Angela pulled out the snapshots with the two unknown subjects. Lil T took them and their fingers brushed unintentionally. She felt that same zap of electricity.

  He looked at the first picture. “This is Ben, our full time bartender, and his sub.” He studied the other and didn’t recognize the man. “The woman in this one is Mistress Anne, one of our full-time Domme’s but I don’t know the guy. Dex?” He passed the picture around the table to Dex who also didn’t know.

  Sean shed some light on the mystery man. “Uh, that’s Judge Jenkins. He came in on a guest pass with Anne a few months back. I approved his temporary application. We need to keep this quiet or it could ruin him. He is up for re-election this fall.”