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Little Light of Mine (Club Decadence) Page 17

“In a way, I guess I did.”

  “Don’t jinx it, Bear,” came her husky voice and he encouraged her to take a drink of water as she eased back to reality.

  Elena instantly keyed in on what would make her friend’s husband so ecstatically happy. “You’re pregnant!” she predicted. Rick gaped at her guessing correctly and Regan gave a joyful cry. “Yes!”

  “Congratulations Chief, and you of course Regan. I am so happy for you both.”

  “Thanks, Master Dex. But we had agreed not to tell anyone until my second trimester just in case. IVF pregnancies are always considered high risk.”

  “Nothing is going to go wrong, Peaches. God could not be so cruel as to play with you that way.”

  “I pray that you’re right, Bear.”

  “As will I, Master Rick. And we promise not to say a word to anyone Regan. Don’t we Master?”

  “Of course, little light, we will be the souls of discretion. You know Regan, if anyone else finds out it won’t be from us.” He nodded his head toward his beaming friend, a clear indication that any further leaks would be coming from Rick’s quarter.

  Jonas and Sean joined them and the conversation turned to club activities. Dex and Elena spent some time with their friends. She had never played in the member’s areas before and was fascinated as she watched the play around her. It was nothing like the public clubs she had been to in California. They were basically meat markets for the kink inclined, filled with Dom wannabes and obnoxious jerks that were just into ogling the scantily clad women and hoping to hook up. The atmosphere at The Club was more elegant, the clientele slightly older and the members were definitely more sophisticated as a whole.

  “Are you ready to play, my slave?” Dex whispered as he pressed a kiss against her ear and nibbled on her lobe.

  “Yes Master but may I be excused to go to the ladies room to freshen up first.”

  “Certainly, just don’t make your Master wait too long. He’s eager to play with his slave’s delectable body.”

  “I’ll hurry, Master.”

  After Elena used the facilities, she was fixing her hair and makeup in front of the mirror when she saw a tall blonde approach. The woman stopped behind her glaring with her arms crossed over her impressive chest. She was beautiful enough to be a model.

  “Hello Shelby. Can I help you with something?”

  “You are a Dom stealing bitch. Dex was happy with me until you came along.”

  Elena gaped at her. Was she nuts? Dex had broken it off with her months ago. “Nonsense, he broke it off with you long before we got back together. If you are still harboring feelings for him, I am hardly to blame.”

  Elena’s head went reeling backward as Shelby’s hand connected with her cheek in a brutal open hand slap. The shy reserved sub was deceptively strong and could really pack a wallop. Elena’s eyes watered and her cheek throbbed with pain.

  “You slut!” Her high-pitched shriek combined with the blow to the head made Elena’s ears ring and she became a little dizzy. “You enticed him with your singing and flaunted your whorish tattoos with his name on them. He felt sorry for you after your pathetic attempts to get him back. Why he’d want a slutty little songbird like you is beyond me.”

  “Shelby! That is quite enough. Unless you’d like me to go get Master Dex or Master Sean I suggest you leave of your own accord immediately.” The two women turned to look at an incensed Joanna who stood in the doorway barely containing her outrage. The General’s wife was the unofficial matriarch of the subs at The Club. Being married to one of the owners and her experience in the lifestyle made the title well deserved. She acted like the sub mother, comforting at times, providing verbal correction at others. Right now it was the latter.

  Shelby left immediately and Joanne instantly went to Elena’s aide. As she wet a cool cloth at the sink, Elena blinked back tears. Joanne gently laid the cloth against the outline of the vivid handprint on her cheek. “You’re going to have to tell Dex about this honey. Your cheek is already swelling and bruised.”

  “Is it that bad?” Elena looked into the mirror as she slowly peeled back the cloth.

  “It will be. Let me run and get some ice.”

  Elena sat on one of the couches in the women’s lounge after Joanne left. She wasn’t surprised by the heavy tread of footsteps and opened her eyes to see Dex’s worried face. “Are you all right, Elena? Joanna told me what happened.”

  She pulled the cloth away and revealed her swollen cheek. “I can’t believe Shelby hit you? I am shocked. She was the most placid doormat I have ever topped.”

  Elena frowned at the thought of him with another woman, especially tall blonde beautiful Shelby and bristled. But she brushed it aside when she remembered they weren’t together at the time and she couldn’t expect for him to have been celibate. “She thinks I stole you away from her, Dex. Her reaction was a little extreme but understandable. I’d put the hurt on your new woman if you left me.”

  “Ridiculous. That is not going to happen. Besides, Shelby and I never had a contract. We were just an unattached top looking for a willing and convenient bottom.”

  “I’d rather not hear about you and Shelby, Master. It kind of makes me sick to my stomach.”

  He sat next to her and angled her cheek up so he could inspect the damage. “Where is Joanna with that ice?”

  “Right here Master Dex, and I brought Master Sean along with me.”

  “Sean, I want Shelby’s membership revoked immediately. We can’t have subs running amok and physically assaulting other members.”

  “I’ll take care of it, Dex. But she’s already left for the evening. I think between Joanna’s verbal spanking and the realization that she assaulted the Master Dom’s sub she grew a brain and split.”

  Dex loaded the cloth with ice and held it gently against Elena’s cheek. She hissed in pain and reached up to take it from him. “Sorry baby. I’ll get our things and take you home.”

  “That’s not necessary Master. Tonight is the first free night we’ve had-,” She started to protest but he cut her off.

  “Your face is swollen and you’re hurting. We’ll come back next week.” Joanna and Sean left without another word, giving the couple privacy.

  “Please, Dex. I really wanted to play. I need my Master’s control and dominance tonight.”

  Dex frowned at her and his eyes zeroed in on her cheek.

  “The ice is really helping. It’s numb now. Is the swelling better?”

  “No,” was his succinct answer. “You are being very disobedient right now by arguing with me after I’ve already made the decision.”

  “I’m sorry, Master. Of course we’ll do whatever you think is best. I’m just disappointed that Shelby wins by ruining our night.”

  He silently sat with her, watching to make sure she kept the ice on her injured cheek. Elena could tell he was seriously considering her statement. Finally, after many long minutes he expressed his thoughts on the matter. “OK, we’ll stay. But you will keep that ice on your cheek for another thirty minutes. At that time, depending upon how your face looks, I will decide whether I blister your ass here or take you home for your punishment.”

  “Punishment, Master?”

  “Yes, my sassy little slave, ten for each infraction which includes arguing and manipulating your Dom. Any further disobedience tonight will add to the tally.”

  “Yes Master. Thank you for correcting your naughty slave.” The poorly concealed elation in her voice told him she considered herself happy to have won another round with him.

  “You’re pushing it now Elena.” He helped her to stand then guided her out of the ladies room with a steadying arm, his hand possessively cupping her silk clad bottom. “I’m going to have to be firmer with you and up the ante on your punishments. You’re getting dangerously close to topping from the bottom and you know how I feel about that.”

  “Sorry Master. I promise to behave.” She bit her lip to control the laugh that threatened to burst from her li
ps. His answering grunt of disbelief made it all the harder.

  Thirty minutes later they took their place at the chain station. The crowd had picked up so they had to wait their turn. The viewing couches were full and there were several members standing behind them, anxious to watch the Master Dom’s scene. Dex unclasped her wrap dress and with a small shrug of her shoulders it slipped from her body leaving her naked except for her jewelry.

  “I’m really sorry, Master.”

  “Apology accepted, slave. How many strokes do you think you have you earned with your behavior tonight?”

  “Fifty, Master?”

  “You’re really pushing me tonight, Elena. If you needed the pain of a punishment you could have simply asked me. I am always happy to give you what you need.” Dex was busy fastening the leather, fleece-lined cuffs around her wrists.

  “I’m sorry you have given up the whip because of me.”

  His eyes rose to meet her. They had been over this all before. “Are you looking to add to your total slave?”

  “No Master.”

  “Then drop it. I have my reasons for not using the single tail on you and I will not debate it again.”

  A tear rolled down Elena’s cheek as he linked her bound wrists behind her back. She felt his thumb brush it away gently.

  “Look at me, little light.” He gazed into her eyes, searching. “Why are you crying?”

  “You said you reserved the single tail for trusting and intimate relationships. I thought you had forgiven me, Master.” Beyond her control, the tears rolled freely down her face. She looked at the ceiling, blinking rapidly to stop them, but failed.

  Dex looked surprised. “When did I say that,Chiquita? I don’t remember-.” He stopped abruptly when it dawned on him. She verified it for him next.

  “That ROA scene, Master.” She sucked in a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves and maintain control.

  He groaned in frustration and dropped his forehead to hers, murmuring an apology. “Oh my sweet, beautiful slave. We both know I behaved like an ass that night. I have apologized for my behavior, for treating you like a stranger. I said so many idiotic things that night-.” He stopped suddenly and swallowed. He had beaten himself up many times over that scene. “I’ll find a way to make it up to you, my love. Name it and I promise to give it to you.”

  “Whip me, Master.”

  “I plan to my slave.”

  “With your single tail.”

  “Dammit.” Dex strode away and faced the cubby where he had stored his toy bag. After several long minutes he opened it and removed a leather paddle. He returned to her and with the handle raised her chin until she looked directly into his eyes. “I promised and will agree to give you the whipping you want and deserve. However, it will at my discretion and at a time I select, not you. You’ve earned another ten strokes for manipulation, slave. I love you with every fiber of my being Elena, but I will not allow you to manipulate me or top from the bottom. Understood?”

  “Most definitely Master, I won’t play this game again. I will just tell you what I want in the future and let you decide what is best for me, for us.”

  He nodded and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “I’m going to punish you know. You have earned thirty swats with the paddle. Spread your legs and bend forward.”

  Elena immediately complied and when she was in position she felt Dex connect her wrist restraints to a chain hanging from the ceiling. Kneeling behind her he efficiently attached her ankle cuffs and secured them to the bolts in the floor. This forced her to maintain her bent forward position and presented her bare bottom beautifully for the paddle. She felt terribly off balance and was afraid if he swatted her now she would pitch forward.

  But she trusted him to take care of her so she was not at all surprised when Dex, the Master of all the Doms of Club Decadence solved her little problem by installing another device to support her. It was a metal pole with a curved padded triangular top that looked like a bicycle seat. He locked it into a recessed slot in the floor then moved her forward so that her pelvis rested right up against the padded top.

  He stood and walked behind her, patting her hip. “You didn’t think I’d leave you in such a vulnerable position did you, slave?”

  “I wondered about it for a moment, but never thought you would risk my safety. Not for a moment, Master.”

  Dex shortened the chain until her restrained hands were pulled upward behind her, not enough for discomfort, but enough to remind her that she was totally at the mercy of her Master and his paddle.

  “I think this is the first time I have used the Strappado position on you, slave. Historically, it was used in medieval times and during the inquisitions. It’s still used today in some of the third world countries. But this is punishment, my beauty, not torture and is why I added the stabilizing post. If you feel too much strain on your arms I’ll expect to hear a yellow safeword. Understood?”

  “Yes Master.”

  “What is your stop safeword?”

  “Red, sir.”

  “Good girl. We’ll begin with thirty swats now. Tell me why you are being punished, Elena.”

  He rubbed the leather over her taut cheeks while he waited for the answer.

  “I argued with you and disobeyed you, Master. I was also disrespectful and did not stop pushing when you warned me. I was manipulating you, Master and I’m sorry.”

  “Correct, my slave. I will not tolerate brattiness of any sort.” He cupped a hand around her shoulder to steady her and drawing his arm back, landed the first swat with the flexible leather paddle.

  The steady thwap of the paddle applied to her backside echoed loudly throughout The Club’s main floor, drawing a larger crowd around the station. The Master Dom was always a sight to see as he punished an unruly sub. Tonight was no exception as the position was unique, the amount and severity of the punishment were just right, and the submissive was contrite and exquisitely beautiful.

  Dex worked the lightweight leather paddle rapidly over Elena’s vulnerable backside. The weight and speed of the paddle ensured a great amount of sting was administered with very little thud. He wanted her skin to experience the stinging pain of correction, but not the underlying tissue which could be easily bruised and potentially damaged with the use of heavier more rigid implements.

  After fifteen swats, he stopped to check on his sub’s status. “Color, slave?”

  “Green.” She let out a startled yelp as an unexpected swat landed on her already burning butt.

  “That one didn’t count against your total, slave. I believe you forgot your manners.”

  “Sorry, Master. I’m at green, Master.”

  “Good girl.” She felt his warm hand run over her warm flesh, checking for welts and blisters. “We’re halfway there, slave. Then we’ll get on with your whipping.”

  Elena’s pussy gushed at the thought and she felt a trickle of moisture begin to drip down her inner thigh. It had been a while but she could easily take fifteen more. Thankfully, Dex had pulled out one of her favorite paddles. It packed a punch with the sting but the residual effect was pretty mild. Her Master was going gently with her, slowly easing her back into the lifestyle after her long hiatus.

  A firm thwap landed and signaled the resumption of her punishment. Stroke after stroke landed quickly and sharply creating the tingling, burning sensation that she remembered so well. As he moved to her sit spots and upper thighs the sensation intensified and she squealed and wiggled slightly. His strong arm wrapped around her waist to help her maintain position and she knew he was also being cautious of adding strain to her shoulders in her precarious position. Around the twentieth stroke Elena was apologizing and by the twenty-fifth she was begging for mercy. When the final paddle stroke echoed the crowd hushed as the sub finally surrendered tearfully, “Thank you Master for correcting your naughty slave. Please use me as you will as repayment for the trouble I have caused.”

  “Ah sweet slave, punishing you is never any trouble
and more pleasurable than you can image.” He rubbed her red hot bottom, soothingly and tenderly. “Don’t you worry; I am going to use you for my pleasure as well as your own. But for now I want to whip my slave and enjoy what is left of my evening.” He released her wrists and assisted her to stand. His talented hands massaged her shoulders for several long moments before he pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her waist, hands curving around her punished behind. He palmed a globe in each hand and squeezed, laughing as she squealed in response. “Are you ready to spread your legs for a good flogging, woman?”

  “Yes Master. I crave your whip.”

  He nodded and pressed a heated kiss along her neck and jawline. His lips left a wet trail of moisture on her skin as he slid lower, kissing her breasts, belly and bare mound as he went. His tongue dipped in for a quick exploration of her soaking wet pussy and she heard him murmur, “Sweetest tasting honey ever,” as he dropped to the floor and released her ankle restraints. Assisting her to stand, he raised her bound hands and attached the cuffs to the chain above her head. Moving away from her he activated the electronic pulley and shortened the chain until her arms were stretched comfortably above her head. She saw him bend and remove a flogger from his toy bag.

  Walking back to her he caressed her from shoulder to hip before stepping by her and taking up position behind her and to her left. “We’ll start with a light warm up.”

  For the next hour, Dex worked the flogger with a skill that was the envy of most of the Doms in the room. As he connected with stroke after stroke, he brought her gradually to a heightened state of sensation and kept her there until she was flying. She lost count of the number of strokes after fifty. Elena loved the flogger, but it was really only an erotic toy for her. The sensual brush of the soft falls against her skin was like an erotic massage. Granted she still felt the sting and burn of the flails when Dex wanted her to, but to her body it was a sensual and very pleasurable sensation that usually sent her soaring in the end and he knew it.

  The flogger continued to fall easily against her freshly punished ass and thighs but she still begged him for more. Attuned to her responses having played her like this many times in the past, he pushed her farther. Having awakened her nerve endings and stimulated the endorphin rush in her mind, she didn’t need a harsh stroke any longer to maintain the sensation and he was able to back off on the intensity. He began to focus the deerskin falls of the medium weight flogger up her back and then moved to her front. He spent several minutes snapping the flogger lightly over her breasts and nipples. She arched into the strokes. Beyond speech, she let her body speak for her. Dex worked the flails down her belly and across her widely spread thighs. He avoided the tender skin of her pussy until he was ready to allow her to come. He then ordered her to open her eyes and watch him.