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Captain, My Captain Page 5

  She picked up the phone to call him as promised. Getting his voice mail she left a message that he could pick her up for dinner at seven, adding that she hoped casual was okay for the evening. Megan frowned as she hung up the phone; glad she had worn jeans just in case he brought his Harley.

  “Megan, your 2 o’clock is here.” Jen, the catering manager called to her.

  “I’ll be right there,” she replied as she took a last sip of her coffee. Only the second cup she’d had all day. The first had grown cold in the morning rush and this was the first opportunity she had to sit down since. Megan made her way out of the office to the front to greet her appointment. It was wedding season and she was meeting with a bride about not only the cake, but also catering the reception. Since doing the first full service event a few months ago, her phone had been ringing off the hook. Next she should look into hiring a wedding planner and really expand her line, she thought as she walked into the customer area up front.

  She stopped short as she noticed a man sitting alone at a corner table. She frowned when she took in a familiar rumpled plaid shirt and messy brown hair. His back was to her but she felt sure this was creepy Mr. Clodhopper from last night. Her toe was still sore where he had stomped on it.

  Dismissing it as a coincidence, she pasted a bright smile on her face and greeted her customer. “Come on back to my office, Miss Owens.” She turned and escorted the bride to the sales desk in the back, sparing a frowning glance to the guy in the corner. Weird.

  Six o’clock had passed and Megan was wrapping up for the day. Glancing anxiously at the clock, she hollered at Jen to lock up for her and rushed out to her car, which Rick had delivered for her in the parking lot behind the bakery. She paused beside her car to dig through her bag for the keys when she was roughly shoved against her car. Her purse was yanked out of her grasp.

  “Hey!” she yelled as she tried to hang onto the strap only to have it break and fall to the ground. Since it was open while she searched for her keys, most of the contents spilled on the ground. The altercation with the thief threw her off balance and she landed on her rear on the asphalt. She grunted as her still tender hind parts hit the hard surface and she rolled onto her hands and knees to look after her assailant who had abandoned the purse when it broke. But he’d been able to snatch her wallet from the ground. She watched as a tall, thin man in jeans and a dark hooded sweatshirt turned the corner at the end of the strip mall that housed her bakery.

  “Crap!” She scrambled to her feet and raced back to the bakery to call the police. Waiting for them to arrive, she called Tony again and again got his voice mail. She left another message stating she was sorry, but something had come up and she wouldn’t be able to make it for dinner. Since this was the third unanswered message she had left for the day, she told him coolly to call her if he wanted to reschedule. Feeling a little irritated that he had not replied to any of her messages, she didn’t leave specifics about what the something was. As she hung up, the police arrived and she was relieved to see her cousin Angela accompanying the uniformed policeman.

  “Meg, are you all right? I heard the call come in about an assault near your bakery and rushed over. What happened?” Angela was a detective and didn’t usually respond to minor crimes, but Megan was happy to see her.

  “Purse snatching,” Megan sighed. “But I’m fine.”

  The police officer looked around and took her statement then advised her to alert her bank and credit card companies as soon as possible. If the perpetrator tried to use any of her accounts, they could track him, but often criminals just took the cash and ditched any other items. Angela smiled reassuringly and said that these crimes often went unsolved unless the thief was a repeat offender or witnesses could make a positive identification.

  In addition to her stolen wallet, her keys were also missing. By the time the locksmith had finished changing all of her locks and made copies for her employees, it was well after eight o’clock. Angela offered to drive Megan home, to make sure her house had not been invaded.

  Megan checked to make sure everything was locked up. She was just closing up front when she saw Tony drive up on his Harley. He frowned as he parked between the locksmith van and police cruiser and seemed concerned as he watched the uniformed officer exit the bakery. Knowing that she had closed at least two hours earlier, he quickly made his way to the front door and entered calling her name.

  Megan and Angela turned to watch the imposing form of Tony Rossi as he stalked into the small bakery. He came straight to Megan and grabbed her firmly but gently by the upper arms. His eyes scanned her face and swept her from head to toe looking for injuries. He noticed her disheveled appearance including her mussed hair, the dirt smudge on her jaw, and the dirt staining the knees of her jeans.

  “What happened, Angel? Are you all right?”

  Megan quickly filled him in and assured him she was unhurt. He gave a deep grunt in response as he turned to survey her business. Since it was the first time he had been to her shop, he gave it a thorough inspection, taking in what was important to him, security. He did a sweep of the premises from a security perspective. The poorly lit doorways, the lack of cameras or any alarm system were obviously unacceptable. He strode through the back of the bakery and went directly to the back door. He took in the flimsy lock and dead bolt on the wooden door before exiting to the back parking lot. He noticed that the lot was poorly lit and that Megan’s car was parked in a far corner, the furthest spot away from the lone light by the back door. He growled angrily as images of much worse criminal activity and bad outcomes flashed through his mind. These all starred his sweet, little Megan as the victim.


  He turned and re-entered the bakery, finding Megan and another woman staring curiously at him from the back entryway.


  He briefly met her eyes and his frown deepened. He dismissed her and turned to the woman watching him intently. He put out his hand and asked, “You are...?”

  “Detective Angela Hixson; I’m Meg’s cousin. I haven’t had the pleasure, Mr...”

  “Anthony Rossi. What is being done to capture the bastard?”

  “Megan, who is this guy?” Angela asked, ignoring Tony’s question.

  Not knowing quite how to define their budding relationship, Megan started haltingly “Uh...well.”

  Tony looked pointedly at Megan and raised that infuriating eyebrow at her, challenging her to own up to the new, but intense relationship they had solidified last night. When she didn’t answer the question immediately, he filled in for her.

  “I’m her boyfriend. I’m also the owner of Rossi Security, Inc., based here in San Antonio.”

  “I’m familiar with your company and your work, Mr. Rossi. You have helped several of my colleagues solve some difficult cases in our organized crime unit.”

  Impressed by the man, as well as his reputation, Angela’s demeanor changed and she became more forthcoming. She was pleasantly surprised to hear that her sweet cousin had at long last found someone special.

  “I am not the investigating officer on the case, Mr. Rossi,” Angela continued. “So I don’t have all the details, but we have very little evidence to go on. There are no surveillance cameras and Megan didn’t see the man’s face. We have a very limited description and nothing for finger printing unless we find the wallet ditched somewhere.”

  Megan watched as Angela and Tony chatted as if she weren’t in the room. She crossed her arms and cleared her throat.

  “They’ve wrapped up and I’m ready to head home, Tony. It’s been a really long day. Angela is going to drive me home where I am going have a big glass of wine, soak in a hot tub and crawl into bed.”

  Tired and irritated, she pushed by Tony and secured her back door. She turned toward the front door where Angela’s car was parked when she felt a large hand slide along her shoulder and cup the nape of her neck, stopping her progress.

  Still addressing Angela, he told her, “I’ll see
Megan home and be back here tomorrow to take care of her security issues. I appreciate you sticking by her through this and providing the case details. I’ll follow up with the investigating officer in the morning.”

  Before she realized it, he had maneuvered her through the bakery and was locking the front door with the keys he had pulled from Megan’s hand. She watched in shock as Angela climbed into her car and waving, drove off.

  She felt the helmet sliding onto her head and heard Tony order her on the bike. Her mouth dropped open in wonder as she felt a sense of deja vu pass over her.

  “Get on the bike, Angel.”

  “Now hold on just a second...”

  “On the bike, now, Angel.”


  “I’m really not in the mood to argue with you, Megan. Get on the bike.”

  The roar of the bike drowned out any further protest and Megan had no choice but to climb on behind him. It was either that or walk home. She had no car keys, and no cash or credit cards to call a taxi. Heck, she couldn’t even call someone for a ride because her cell phone was dead. Tony had not returned her new set of bakery keys so she couldn’t go back inside to use the phone there. Frustrated and angry, Megan stomped her foot. “Bossy!”

  Tony turned his head and met her eyes. He said no more, but she saw his arched brow through the open face shield of his helmet. He reached up and flipped it down, nodding his head toward the back of his bike. Resigned and thankful that at least she was wearing pants, shoes and a jacket this time, Megan rolled her eyes at the arrogant man and climbed on.

  When Tony led Megan up the steps of her condo, it was after 9 o’clock. After leaving the bakery, they had made a quick detour to Regan’s to get an extra set of keys to her condo. Tony only allowed an abridged version of the events of the evening before pushing Megan back out to his bike and driving her home.

  Megan was fuming at his high-handed behavior and was determined to see him out her door as quickly as possible. She knew he was arrogant and an alpha male but she hadn’t realized he was the bossiest jerk she had ever met! Yes, they had known each other for fifteen years and in social situations had been friendly. They weren’t really a couple after last night despite what he had told Angela, were they? Yes, they’d had some of the hottest sex ever, but that didn’t equal a relationship in her mind. And judging by the day she’d had, it didn’t look like they were headed that way, either. He hadn’t returned any of her calls, and was an hour late for their date, plus his bossy behavior this evening was really pissing her off.

  Unlocking the door and deadbolt to her condo, Tony pushed the door wide open. He flicked on the light just inside the door and came to an abrupt halt. Megan following closely plowed into him and bounced off his broad, muscular back. She would have fallen if he hadn’t reached behind him to steady her by slipping an arm around her waist. He pushed her back out into the hallway and ordered in a commanding tone.

  “Wait here.”

  She watched in surprise as he pulled a gun. Megan stared in disbelief as he entered her apartment with the weapon readied, the safety thrown. Unable to stay still, Megan gasped as she peaked through the doorway and saw her ransacked apartment. Tony pushed her back into the hallway and barked in a voice that brooked no disobedience.

  “Megan, do as your told and stay here while I make sure they are gone.”

  Megan gulped, only now realizing that someone could be still in her apartment. Maybe they had interrupted the burglars and they were still somewhere in her condo, armed and dangerous.

  “Please be careful,” she whispered, but Tony was already gone.

  Minutes dragged by as she waited impatiently for Tony to return. Her anxiety level was off the charts and her breathing was rapid and shallow, her palms sweating. She tried to calm her breathing so she could hear what was happening in the apartment. She was ready to go in after him when she felt him come up next to her and slip his arm around her waist.

  “All clear, Angel.”

  He pulled her inside and closed and locked the door. He had his phone in hand and was calling for assistance. “Lil T? Cap here. I need the team and then the cops notified of a break in...”

  Megan tuned him out as she gasped in dismay at the disaster that was now her condo.

  Chapter Six

  It was well past midnight when Lil T delivered Megan to her twin’s house. He pulled his truck into the driveway and turned off the engine. He glanced over at Megan and watched her stare out the window. She hadn’t said a word since the blow up with Cap at her apartment. T, Rick and the rest of the security team that weren’t on assignment elsewhere, had awkwardly listened to sweet little Megan Sinclair tell Cap to go fuck himself before slamming her bedroom door in his face. Cap’s face had a hard determined look on it as he moved to leave the wrecked condo. With that telltale muscle ticking in his jaw, he looked about ready to lose it. But not their Cap. No, he rarely lost his shit. He was one of the most together men T had ever had the honor to work for and under whose command had always instilled the utmost respect and loyalty from his men.

  In a flat, cool voice, he quickly gave out a list of orders, before leaving and surprising his men by slamming the door hard enough for it to slam back against the wall, leaving a dent.

  The crew was to convene at the office at 0800 hours. All except Lil T who found himself suddenly in charge of Megan’s personal security and would conference in by phone. This in essence made him her personal bodyguard. He had been her shadow since, and he noticed that Megan’s usually bright and cheerful demeanor had changed. She was very subdued. When she emerged from her bedroom in Tony’s wake, she was holding her small overnight bag gripped tightly between her fingers so that the nail beds turned white from the strain. Her eyes were obviously reddened from the tears she had shed but she held it together in front of the men. The only words she spoke were to Lil T.

  “I guess you’re on babysitting duty? Take me to Regan’s, please.” She didn’t make eye contact but had waited for him to precede her out the door. Wrapped up deeply in her own thoughts, she hardly glanced at the organized chaos around her. The police were still in the apartment taking pictures and looking for prints.

  Rick was staying to secure her apartment after the team was done. He had tried to provide her some emotional support, tapping on her door and checking on her shortly after Cap had left. He had tried wrapping his big arm around her shoulders and made and attempts to explain his friend’s rather bizarre actions. She had shrugged him off and asked for some privacy. “Cap’s upset, Meg.” He had declared in a final lame attempt to explain, but she had brushed him off.

  “Your Cap is an asshole, Rick. I don’t want to talk about him anymore,” Megan had replied. And then she had closed herself off in her room.

  Now, Lil T spoke softly to Megan, who was lost in thoughts so deep she hadn’t noticed the SUV pulling into her sister’s drive. “You ready to go on inside, darlin’?”

  Megan looked around at him and was startled to see that they had arrived and that she had no recollection of the ten-mile drive from her condo. She must be operating on autopilot, she realized. “Yeah, thanks for the ride.”

  She let herself out the cab door and made her way to her sister who was waiting in her doorway and welcomed her with a big hug. Lil T followed close behind, having grabbed a duffle from the cab.

  Megan shot him a nervous look. “What’s going on?”

  “Cap’s orders, darlin’,” Lil T replied. “I’m your shadow until we find out why you were a crime victim twice in one day.”

  Incensed, Megan pulled from Regan’s arms. “Hell, no! Cap doesn’t own me and doesn’t tell me what to do. Oooo...he is such a bossy jerk!” She stomped her foot in frustration - a childish response that she noted had been happening more frequently in the past 24 hours, ever since getting involved with Tony Rossi. “I don’t need a bodyguard and I sure as hell don’t need Cap Rossi’s charity. You tell your boss to go fuck himself. Rick and Angela will help me figure
this out. They’re family, after all.”

  “No can do, darlin’,” he said as he gently steered the two women inside and locked the door behind them. He set his duffle bag down and told Regan, “I’ll take a look-see around at your security and then camp out on your couch. Rick may still be awhile.”

  “Oh My God! I can’t fucking believe this!” Megan turned and stomped down the hall to the guest bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

  Regan’s gaze followed her, a stunned expression on her face. “What on earth happened, T? Megan never uses the F word, ever!”

  “Well, I’ll let her fill you in on what happened at the condo between her and Cap. As far as the F bombs, she’s been launching them pretty frequently today. If she’s not careful, Cap will beat her ass for it, too. I warned her he hates that shit from his lady.” He shook his head, dropped his gear and began a thorough recon of the house.

  Regan frowned, confused and worried over her sister and their friend. She followed her little sister to provide a shoulder to cry on or an ear to bend, whatever she needed.

  Megan stood just inside the guest room. She glanced around the room and remembered being here with Tony just last night. A lot had happened since then, including a complete personality change of the bossy jerk who had “claimed” her as his in the early hours of the morning. Lying S.O.B., she fumed. At least she hadn’t confessed to loving him. My God, what a prick!

  Since leaving her that morning he had ignored her phone calls and messages, treated her like a child, then completely shut her out of his life. Megan’s eyes welled up again as she remembered the conversation in her condo. They stood inside her destroyed bedroom as he told her of the plans he had made for her, basically ordering her out of his life.