Captain, My Captain Read online

Page 4

  “Oh. My. Fucking. God!” She screamed and then collapsed in a puddle beneath him.

  She felt his weight leave her and the bed. She was startled by a stinging slap against her inner thigh. “Language, Megan,” he scolded then moved out from between her sprawled legs and stood.

  “There better be one more in there for me, Megan.”

  She turned her head and watched as he stripped his jeans and boxer briefs down his muscular legs and she got her first glimpse of his cock. She sucked in a deep breath and felt her pussy clench. He was huge. It was long and thick and at least nine inches. Shit! She had never taken anything that big before. Even her vibe at home was a respectable eight inches but not nearly as thick. All male, the head glistened with pre-cum and she almost choked as she watched his hand come up and grip his shaft firmly. He pumped it once, twice as he reached into the nightstand and grabbed a condom. His weight returned as he spread her thighs wide and returned to his place against her widespread pussy.

  “Fuck, Angel. I’m sorry, but this is going to be fast and hard. You have me so stoked I’m not going to last long this first time. We’ll do slow next time.”

  She felt him rub his cock head against her pussy, and she twitched and jerked as it slid across her sensitive clit. He smiled while collecting the moisture from her folds and lubricating himself. She felt the large head spread her lips and stretch her opening. She started to pant as his huge cock slid inside. When just the head was in, she whimpered. He looked at her face and saw her biting her lip. He pushed back some damp hair that was clinging to her check.

  “Angel, you are so tight. It’s been awhile for you, hasn’t it? Move your hands to my shoulders and hold on, honey.”

  She followed his direction and gripped his shoulders tightly with her small hands. She curled her nails into his hard flesh as she felt him slide gently, an inch at a time, until he was all the way in.

  “Easy,” he soothed as he paused, deep inside her heat allowing her time to adjust to him. Lord, he was deep. Deeper and filling her more than she had ever had before. She thought she might have been too conservative on that nine-inch estimate.

  He gave her a few moments to get used to him, fully seated inside her, but his need to move was overwhelming. He whispered in her ear, “Okay, here we go, Angel. Hold on, now.”

  He slowly pulled almost all the way out until just the head remained, then glided in deep again.

  “Unnhhh!” she groaned.

  His cock dragged against every nerve ending in her pussy. Again he pulled out then slid home, deeper still.

  “Almost all the way in now, baby.”

  “What? If you’re not in yet, we’ve got a problem, Captain.”

  She was so full now she didn’t know how she could take any more as his cock head bumped against her cervix. He draped her legs over his arms and angled her hips upward to get in a better position for even deeper access and started into a deep but slow rhythm.

  “No worries, Angel. You fit me like a glove.” He thrust steadily inside her until he had bottomed out, deep against her cervix. Her heat wrapped around him and consumed him. She fit him perfectly and took all of him. He lowered his head to her neck and breathed in her scent.

  “Mine,” he growled and his mouth latched on, sucking at her tender flesh.

  “You’re mine, Megan. Say it!” He demanded a response as he pumped steadily into her.

  She could feel his balls slapping against her butt. The friction and pressure inside hit that special spot again and again. Unbelievably, she felt herself hurled toward climax again.

  “Say it, dammit!”

  “Yours, Captain,” she whispered, yielding all that she was in that moment. Lord, she loved this man. His strength, his power taking control of her. She loved everything about him. His strong arms tightened more firmly around her and he pressed her deep into the mattress. He pumped his hips faster, his masterful cock slamming in and out, harder and faster, pushing them both quickly toward the edge.

  “Tony! Ohmigod! I’m gonna come again!”

  “Not yet, baby. I’m almost there. Wait for me, Angel.” He growled low in her ear. “I’ll tell you when you can come.” Her pussy gushed as she responded to his dominance. He controlled her body, his voice causing her to produce more of her own natural lubricant which eased the way for his huge cock to piston in and out of her. How much longer could she hold off? He was stretching her and hitting all those tingling places, every nerve ending was stimulated while she was hurtling toward the point of no return.

  “Please! Captain, please, let me come.”

  That did it for him, that sweet voice yearning for release, begging for his permission to come, calling him Captain. Shit! He was undone.

  “Yes, Angel. I’m there,” he groaned against her ear. “Come with me. Now.”

  They grabbed each other tightly as he plunged into her and she met each thrust with the arch of her hips. Megan’s screams rose and echoed throughout the bedroom as Tony’s deep groan emerged and they both plummeted over the peak into ecstasy, together.

  Even after his release, her pussy continued milking the hot cum from his aching cock. Tony remained hard and continued to pump inside her, stroking gently in and out now as he came down from the best orgasm he had ever had in his life. Sated, he lay on top of her; propped on his forearms, he braced himself on each side of her head to keep from crushing her petite frame.

  He pressed his lips against her damp cheek, “I’ll be right back.”

  Her arms squeezed him, attempting to keep him with her. “Condom,” he murmured, then pulled out of her and headed to the bathroom. She heard water running and he returned in a few moments. Megan felt a cool cloth gently wipe her damp face and neck followed by a warm cloth pressed between her legs. Embarrassed, her hand moved to push him away.

  “No, Angel.” he stated firmly. “Let me take care of you. I used you well. You need a little TLC.”

  He quickly cleaned her up, pressing the soothing warm cloth against her swollen lips and clit. He tossed the cloth toward the hamper in the corner. He lifted her limp form enough to slide the comforter and sheet down and back over them, covering them both. Tony curled around the back of her small frame as he rolled her to her side. Spooning closely, he reached a long arm over her and switched off the bedside light.

  “Sleep, Angel,” he commanded, as they both quickly dropped off into a relaxed and sated sleep.

  Chapter Four

  A husky voice called gently to him. “Tony.”

  He smiled and rolled over reaching for the warm, soft, body beside him. As his hand came up empty, he opened one eye and noticed three things; the bed was empty, the room was still dark, and the digital clock on the nightstand glared the ungodly hour of 5:15 am.

  “Tony?” He felt a small hand push against his shoulder as she shook him gently, attempting to wake him.

  “Fuck, Angel. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, I just need to get to work.”

  Rolling to look at the clock, he groaned. “Its 5am. Come back to bed.” He reached for her, pulling her across his body and back into bed.

  “Tony, I run a bakery. I’ve got to go,” Megan insisted. “I’m late already and I need you to take me to get my car.” She frowned, digging through her purse. “I’ll need you to take me by Regan’s; I can’t find my keys. They must have fallen out.”

  She heard his deep breathing and felt his warmth against her neck and knew he was falling back to sleep.

  “Tony!” She pushed on his shoulder again. “I’ll need my keys to open the shop.”

  Groaning, Tony released her. “Ok, Angel. I’m up, but tonight you bring your car here or take one of mine. I want you back in my bed, tonight.”

  Megan smiled and kissed his cheek. “Okay”, she said agreeably.

  Five minutes later they were backing out of Tony’s garage in his killer muscle car. “Wow,” she murmured as she looked around at the awesome interior. Tony smiled and explained it
was a 1968 GT Fastback Bullitt. Megan didn’t know anything about cars or Harleys; she did know that this was exactly the kind of car she imagined Tony driving. He revved the motor and smiled as he watched her respond.

  “My baby gets hot for powerful cars. Excellent.”

  Megan smiled. She might not be a car expert, but as the engine rumbled and the seat trembled beneath her, she knew if she’d had her coffee she would have been awake enough to be turned on again despite the four orgasms Tony had wrung from her in the last eight hours. She should be exhausted, but instead she felt exhilarated.

  She found herself knocking on Regan’s front door and coming nose to bare chest with an irate male.

  “Fuck, Megan. It’s 5 am.”

  “Sorry, Rick, but I lost my keys somewhere...” her voice trailed off as she squeezed by the irritated, half naked man and scanned the living room. Megan found herself on her hands and knees searching under the sectional couch and the coffee table in the living room. Remembering the indignity of falling into Tony’s lap last night made her face flush.

  “Returning to the scene of the crime,” she muttered.

  Behind her, she heard a chuckle and turned to see Tony standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. “The only crime here is that ass isn’t snuggled up against me in my warm bed.”

  Megan reached back to tug at the hem of her borrowed skirt, which barely covered her full ass checks when she was standing. She had been bent over on all fours. She blushed. “Sorry, I said that out loud, huh? Bad habit.”

  Rick snickered. “Yeah, hang around Megan long enough and you’ll hear all kinds of interesting thoughts. You should enjoy that, Cap. She is always tattling on herself that way.”

  Tony grinned. “Excellent.”

  “Quit saying that!” Megan demanded. She blushed again as Tony quirked that now familiar eyebrow which warned her that her attitude was pushing it.

  “Bossy,” she uttered. “Ah ha!” She raised her arm triumphantly with her full key ring grasped in her hand. “Found ‘em.”

  Regan’s voice came sleepily from the hallway. “Meg, you’re late for the shop.”

  Megan groaned, “I know and I didn’t get any baking done last night either.”

  Regan laughed. “Let me get changed and I’ll help you out. I’ll be ready in a few and drive you in.”

  Megan walked up to Tony. “Thanks for the ride offer, Captain, but Regan will take me from here.”

  Looking down into her beautiful face, Tony ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek. “Anytime, my Angel. What time will you be through at the shop today? I’ll pick you up for dinner.”

  “Uh...well, I have a couple of cakes to make for weekend weddings and I’m behind due to last night’s party. It could be late.”

  “What time, Angel? I want to see you tonight.”

  Megan blushed. A feeling of warmth spread through her and she glowed in happiness. “I’ll make time.”

  Tony smiled into her beautiful blue eyes and Rick’s usually serious expression cracked open into a wide grin. “We knew you guys would get together eventually. Damn! It’s about time.”

  Regan came up behind her husband and hugged him firmly as she watched Cap and her sister. “I knew it, too, babe!”

  Megan and Tony turned to glare at their smug expressions. “Please,” Megan exclaimed, rolling her eyes. “We have been out once. I don’t think you can even call it a date, officially.”

  Tony captured her chin and turned her face toward his. “We’ll take care of the first date tonight. What time, Angel?”

  “Let me call you this afternoon. I’ll know better then.”

  “See that you do,” he insisted in that deep, controlling voice that made her feel all warm, tingly, and girly inside. “I’ll be waiting.”

  “I’ll make sure she does, Cap,” Regan assured him as she came up behind Megan with the big grin still plastered across her pretty face.

  The men laughed as Megan again rolled her eyes. Tony gave her a long, lingering kiss until her eyes clouded over and she got a dazed look on her face. Regan pulled her twin by the arm. “Come on, sis. If we don’t get going, you’ll be out of commission for the morning rush.”

  Megan’s blush deepened. She waved to Tony over her shoulder as Regan hauled her out to the garage and packed her into the car.

  Chapter Five

  They arrived at Decadence, Megan’s small bakery and coffee, shop only ten minutes before opening. They had to make a run by her condo to get some decent clothes that put them even farther behind.

  “I am so screwed, sis,” Megan muttered to her sister as she grabbed an apron. “I have some day old stuff, but I didn’t do any of my evening baking last night.”

  Regan smiled at her twin. “Yummy, wasn’t it?”

  Megan flushed, but her gears switched to business mode. “Yummy doesn’t keep me in business, Regan. Can you get the coffee on?”

  Just then the back door swung open and their cousin Moon came strolling in.

  “Mornin’, Meg! Regan called, said you needed me. Once again I am here to help save your ass.” Rolling up her sleeves, Moon asked, “How can I help?”

  Megan laughed in relief as she hugged Moon to her chest. Anyone looking at them usually missed the family resemblance. Moon loomed over her petite cousins by eight inches and was deeply tanned in contrast to the twin’s fair complexions. Her long, straight brown hair and dark eyes were polar opposites to the twins’ baby blues. However, when Moon smiled back at Megan, the trademark Sinclair smile became obvious and transformed her face, presenting a mirror image of full sensuous lips and just a hint of a dimple. That trademark Sinclair smile removed all doubt of the familial connection.

  “Moon, you’re saving your own ass since you are also an investor in Decadence. But, we’re screwed. Customers will be here in, like...” she glanced at the clock and groaned, “five minutes ago.”

  “What happened, Meg? I’ve never seen you without cinnamon rolls and sticky buns.”

  “Cap happened,” Regan tattled, happy for her sister.


  “It’s true, Moon. Meg and Captain Gorgeous finally hooked up last night.”

  “Awesome, it’s about damn time,” Moon declared as she moved to the prep counter and started getting out bowls and utensils.

  “What is it with everyone and my love life? You’d think I’d never slept with a man before,” she protested.

  Regan met her eyes. “Meg, honey. With all the losers, idiots and assholes you have been out with since high school, I think it’s safe to say you haven’t ever slept with a real man before.” She winked at Megan and Moon then. “That makes you a virgin, sis. I guess Cap popped your cherry!” She laughed at her own joke as usual, grinned at her sister’s vivid red face and continued. “Now that he has, honey. Buckle up... it’s gonna be a wild ride.”

  Moon looked at the twins with a sad expression on her face. Happy for her cousins, she related to Regan’s analysis of Meg’s dating history. She knew how hard it was to find a good man in this Podunk town. She also had dated her share of losers and assholes. She thought she had found something special with Roger. She frowned and subconsciously rubbed the bruise hidden below the sleeve of her t-shirt. If only...

  All three women quickly snapped back to the business at hand when they heard a tapping coming from the front window. Megan sighed and made her way through the bakery to open the front door for business.

  Moving into action, Moon called after her. “Quick scones and iced cinnamon raisin biscuits it is then, ready in fifteen minutes.”

  Regan called from the barista bar. “Coffee ready in ten, sis.”

  Megan sighed in relief. She could always rely on family. “Excellent!”

  She paused and sucked in her breath. Damn! One night around the man and she sounded just like him. She pushed the image of his sex-on-a-stick body from her brain. Preparing herself for the anticipated grumbles and complaints from her regulars who were sure to make a fus
s when they found out their cinnamon buns and chocolate éclairs were not available for their daily indulgence, she smiled broadly anyway and watched three familiar faces file in. Last night was definitely worth the hassle. They’d just have to suck it up.

  Despite being Saturday, business was brisk throughout the morning and on through the lunch rush. Megan finally took the opportunity for a short break and made her way back to her office to check her catering schedule for next week. Decadence was Megan’s pride and joy. She had put everything she had into this, her first business endeavor and all of her hard work was paying off. After only eighteen months in business, she was operating in the black and the new catering business was taking off like a rocket. She had taken on more staff and hired a manager for the catering side of the business. She was also looking into expanding the physical operation into the vacant store next door to make room for the rapidly growing new business line that was crowding into her small shop. She made a note to call her realtor to see if the owner had accepted her bid on the lease, but her thoughts kept returning to Tony.

  She looked at the clock. 2 p.m. She promised she’d call about dinner. Megan sighed and picked up her phone. She really didn’t have time for a relationship and hadn’t dated much since opening the bakery. Her last date was so long ago she could barely remember when it was. Was it that bad setup from Jenny, her catering manager? Jenny had had a cousin that owned his own business and was “just perfect” for her, she’d said. He had been such a dud that she had politely ended it immediately after she paid her half of the bill for dinner and left, taking a cab home alone. Another set-up had been with the son of a friend of her mother’s. She knew that was a bad idea, but to get her mother off her back she had gone out with Mason. Or was it Jason? It was less than memorable, as he had spent most of the night on his iPhone, obviously not interested. After that, she had stopped the set-ups and refused any blind dates to concentrate on work. The only man she would consider changing her focus for was Tony. She had loved and waited for Tony Rossi patiently for fifteen years and she wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass her by, no matter the timing.