Little Light of Mine (Club Decadence) Read online

Page 20

  “Keep it but don’t destroy it. I’ll follow up on the judge and his activities lately. If he has been staying in town I can let it pass. If he’s been out cruising the east coast, we’ve got a problem.”

  Cap spoke up then. “We appreciate your discretion in this matter, Angie.”

  “No worries, Cap. That’s all I have for now but will keep in touch. I’d really like to get this case solved and stop all these assaults on the girls.

  Dex, Cap and Rick were all vocal in their agreement while the rest of the team nodded having the same opinion. Jonas looked as worried as the three men whose wives and fiancés had already been attacked.

  “I’ve got to talk to Lexie about this and warn her off.”

  “No need for that, Tech. We can protect her.” Cap was angry about the situation and how it affected his friends and family. He knew exactly how Jonas felt. He had broken things off with Megan early in their relationship for the very same reason. “Be up front with her bud, and let her decide. Remember when-,”

  “We all remember that, Cap. We replay the video of Meg telling you off and flipping you the bird on camera at least weekly.” Sean offered this little nugget up for public consumption and they all laughed at Cap’s expense.

  Everyone except Jonas, who was struggling with his decision. He rubbed his face and gripped the back of his neck. His friends knew this meant he was agitated. He had finally found a woman that he thought he could gel with and was placing her at risk by association with him. He stood and pushed his chair back. “I’ll talk to her this weekend about security then.” He left the room, grabbing the copies of the documents Detective Hixon had provided.

  Angela packed up her evidence and rose to take her leave. Lil T stood to escort her out. As he walked her to the lobby, he touched her elbow and she turned looking up at him in surprise. She felt flushed and her breathing was a little uneven. She hoped to God he didn’t notice.

  “Do I make you nervous, Detective?”

  “What would give you that idea, Mr. Minnelli?”

  “Call me T, darling. As to your question, do you want an honest answer?”

  “Of course… T.” She swallowed as she addressed him familiarly. What this man did to her should be a crime. Her panties were getting uncomfortably damp and her nipples pressed painfully against her lacy bra. Looking down, she saw them standing out in stiff peaks that were visible through her silky blouse. She looked back at T and saw that his eyes were locked on the front of her blouse.

  “Your nipples have been hard since you sat down next to me, your face is flushed and I can see the rapid beat of your heart in the pulse at your throat.” He watched her hand rise to her throat as he pointed out the signs of her arousal. “Your breathing is ragged and don’t be offended now,” he leaned in and inhaled close to her shoulder, “but I can smell your arousal.”

  She gasped in alarm. Good God, could everyone tell this man made her as horny as hell?

  “No need to be embarrassed, honey. I find you very attractive and if you would like to get together and play, I just wanted you to know that I’m game.”

  Offended at his casual offer for sex, she bristled. “So you’re up for a little scratch and tickle? No thanks. I’m not your type of girl.”

  He laughed down at her as he pulled her up against his massive chest. His size dwarfed her above average 5’8” frame. “Baby, I may be the least experienced of the Doms at The Club but I’m a damned good one. I recognize a submissive when I see one and beneath that hard professional exterior, I can see your soft, vulnerability. It’s not uncommon for people in authority positions to crave submission in their private life.”

  Angela pulled away. “You are out of your mind, Mr. Minnelli. I’m no more submissive than you are.”

  He looked at her flushed face and his eyes slowly swept down her throat to the rapid flutter of her pulse and beyond to the still erect nipples that were close to poking holes in her blouse. “If you say so sweetheart, but when you change your mind and decide you want to explore that need to surrender, give me a call.” He nodded to her before he returned to the interior offices.

  She slumped against the wall, trying to regain her composure. Since she was alone she rubbed her breasts trying to get the hard peaks to go away. She smoothed her hair and wiped her upper lip that was dotted with perspiration. She had her chance, why had she denied it? Because, he wanted a casual relationship. She shook her head at that thought. Relationship? More like a fling or a one-night stand. That wasn’t her M.O. She had turned thirty this year and was ready to get serious. She was tired of men that were just in it for the sex. She wanted someone to share common interests with, to talk to, laugh with and even cry on his shoulder at times. That wasn’t Antonio Minnelli.

  She realized she was standing in the lobby of Rossi Security and her hands were latched onto her breasts. Anyone could walk in and see her. Shit! She straightened and rushed out the door.

  She didn’t know that someone had seen her. Lil T sat in the surveillance room watching as she escaped. There was something about her. Something he found intriguing and refreshing. He decided Detective Angela Hixon deserved further investigation.


  “Are you sure you’re ready for this, Elena?” Dex cupped her jaw with his large hand and stroked her lower lip with his broad thumb. It had been three months since the awful night of her kidnapping. She was all healed thanks to the plastic surgeon Dex had contacted to stitch her up that night. He had done an excellent job and she carried no visible sings as an ugly reminder of the incident. The surgeon, who was a club member, had also prescribed a special cream he had formulated to minimize scarring. Dex had lovingly and methodically massaged it into her skin twice a day until the doctor pronounced her healed.

  Since then she had been begging for the whip. Elena figured that only brand new memories could wipe out the old terrifying ones and release her from her fear. This posed a problem for Dex who had vowed never to take a whip to her again not daring to risk any further emotional trauma after what Luis and Eduardo had done. Elena had protested, fiercely. She argued that she knew the difference between Dex’s skilled, mastery of the single tail and the psychotic, vengeful blows of a bullwhip in the wrong hands.

  It took three months of pleading and several sessions with their therapist to convince him to do what she wanted.

  “I need this.” She looked up into his beautiful light blue eyes and could see the love shining down on her. “I trust you to take care of me Master. I want you to do this to exorcise the demons inside me and make me your true slave again.”

  He bent his head and captured her lips in a tender kiss. “Te amo.”

  “I love you, too Master.”

  “Strip and go stand before the bondage ladder while I prepare for you, my slave.”

  “Yes, Master.” Elena’s skin erupted in goose bumps and her nipples tightened in anticipation. Dex was an expert with the short tail. His whip of choice was an eight plait, four foot signal whip made of kangaroo hide. He said he preferred the signal whip because it was short and easier to control although it still required a skillful hand and precise strokes. Under his mastery, he could make the whip sing from a sensual, arousing stroke to a more intense biting, crack that brought a stinging pain. In the wrong hands it could cause serious injury.

  She watched him bend to remove his whip from the small bag. He also set out a bottle of water and a first aid kit, just in case. It had never been needed but the threat made Elena’s anxiety heighten, which only increased the exhilaration of the upcoming scene.

  He turned to look at her and quirked his brow. Using the whip handle he signaled for her to turn around. She faced the padded bondage ladder and waited patiently for him to approach. She knew part of the scene was the mind games that he loved to play. In their private room, he built the scene slowly and sometimes played out the scene over two or three hours. In public he was a master showman. Cracking the whip for theatrical purposes and playing to the a

  CRACK. Elena yelped as the report of the whip echoed throughout the room. She jerked suddenly as she felt the handle glide up the back of her thigh. “You startle so easily tonight, my love. I know you understand the need to stay still while I whip you.”

  “Yes, but it has been a while. You will restrain me to help me stay still for you, won’t you Master?” Her voice was breathless with exhilaration.

  “Definitely, I would never risk your safety my beautiful slave.” His breath brushed across her cheek as he spoke. She felt the brush of the whip handle move over her buttocks and slowly caress her back as it moved higher. It brushed against her shoulder then dipped beneath the fall of her now shoulder length hair, which he moved to the side giving better access for his lips. He kissed her then whispering in her ear. “Arms up. Grasp the rung just above your head.”

  She complied immediately and he connected her cuffs to the eye bolts embedded in the frame.

  “Such a good slave,” he gently whispered as he traced the whip down her inner arm and along her side watching her back arch in response. “Spread your legs wide and place your feet on the outside of the frame. Stay very still for me.” As she did as ordered her restrained arms stretched tighter above her head.

  He stepped behind her and pressed close enough for her to feel his erection pressing against her lower back. As he slipped his hands around her and cupped her firm breasts he buried his face in her neck, spreading kisses along her neck and shoulder. He plucked her nipples until they stood out in hard peaks and her head fell back against him.

  “I’ve missed this so much,mi corazón.”

  My heart, he smiled at the tender endearment from her cherished lips. He slid down her smooth back spreading feather light kisses as he went until he came to the small of her back. “Tonight you will start making it up to me. Now that all the drama is over and you are fully healed you are ready to begin restitution. Two years’ worth of long lonely nights is a lot to make up for,Chiquita. It will take the rest of your life to repay me.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes, Master. I just want to please you and love you for the rest of our lives.”

  Dex nibbled his way across her buttocks and his hands wrapped around her waist holding her still. He licked and laved and she moaned as he palmed her pussy. “You’re soaking wet.” He played with her, dipping two fingers into her slit and slowly circling her distended clit.

  “Mi amo, I’m going to come.”

  “You know better, no coming without permission.” He moved his fingers lower and dipped two into her pussy. He twisted his fingers until he could stroke her in the front searching for her sweet spot.

  She groaned and pressed her hips forward as his skilled fingers found her G-spot. The mounting pressure had her arching into his hand as she cried in ecstasy, “Ay dios mío. Dr. Grafenberg, I think I love you!”

  “Who the hell is Dr. Grafenberg?”

  “He’s a gynecologist that discovered the G-spot. A brilliant man if I ever saw one.”

  He delivered a sharp swat on her ass for her sassiness and it echoed with his laughter in the room. “It’s never a good idea to scream another man’s name while you’re tied naked before me, my slave.”

  “I’m so sorry, Master, but he’s been dead for at least fifty years.”

  He rested his cheek against the warm handprint he’d left on her ass and chuckled. “I’ve missed this playfulness, little light, so much. I know the past months have been very difficult.” He removed his fingers and with a kiss to her stinging cheek moved to her ankles and finished restraining her.

  He slipped the signal whip from over his shoulder and rose to his full height behind her. “Are you ready to feel the sting of my whip,Chiquita?”

  “Yes, Master. I crave it. Please, whip me. ”

  “With pleasure,” he growled low as he slid the whip handle between her thighs and stroked her pussy slowly. “I’m going to whip you slowly, over and over across your ass and thighs. I’m going to make you fly, little light. Then, when you’re soaring, I’m going to drive into your sweet pussy until you forget your own name.”

  “Dios, mi amo. I need you so much.”

  “I need you too, sweet Elena. More than you know.” Whispering in her ear he gently bit her lobe then laved the sting with his tongue. “Let’s begin.”

  The swiping tip of the whip brushed her skin in a sensual warm up. The steady whoosh soothed her into a trance like state. He gradually increased the intensity with each successive stroke, building from a brushing caress to a sting and finally to a slow burn.

  Pausing between strokes to allow the sensation to penetrate her trance like state, he worked slowly and methodically. Every few strokes he would sharply throw the single tail so it cracked in the air. The exquisite psychological thrill of the whip brought them the satisfaction their shared kink demanded.

  He paused and stepped up behind her. His hand gently caressed her skin assessing the heat and color, searching for welts and breaks of which there were none. “Where are you my slave?”

  “Green, Master.”

  “You need more, don’t you? You need to feel the physical pain to ease your emotional pain before you can fly. Tell me what you want, my slave.”

  “Whip me harder, Master. I want to feel the bite of your whip, I want to please you.”

  “You do please me, slave, so very much.” He added another restraint securing her waist to keep her hips still. He wouldn’t risk injury if she moved and he missed his target. Once she was secured, he stepped back and cracked the whip through the air again, watching her shiver. She was so responsive to sensation play and with the short tail he usually made her soar. “Ten more lashes, each one will be progressively harder. This time I am the musician and you are my instrument. When we get to the pinnacle of the piece, I want your body to sing for me and I want you to come.”

  “Yes Master. Lash me; whip me until my body sings for you. Take my pleasure.”

  He resumed then with the same steady pace and moderate strokes. He watched her carefully, playing with her body but assessing, weighing and judging her response at the same time. Ever two strokes he would crack the whip, missing her so that she only felt the brush of air over her inflamed skin. He could tell she was flying as she moaned and writhed as if it had landed.

  For the last ten strokes, he actually decreased the intensity of the blows but she was so far into subspace by then she couldn’t tell. It was all as he’d planned it and couldn’t have been achieved without the slow build up to subspace and the mind-fuck by the Master. Although he suggested that each stroke would become progressively harsh and heavy, he would never use such harsh tactics on her fragile skin.

  The lash falling with light brushing strokes against her already inflamed skin was processed by her dazed mind as searing, biting blows. The combination of her sensitized skin and the speed of the blows reached a crescendo that made it hard for her to process where one stroke began and the other ended. Her moans intensified and sweat rolled down her back. She was ready.

  “Come for me now, my beautiful slave.”

  He brought the final lash down. She heard the sharp crack and felt a streak of fire in its wake across her buttocks. She screamed in pain and ecstasy as the pain brought her ultimate pleasure and she came in an intense orgasm, the climax stronger and longer lasting than ever before. He’d never reveal the truth behind his single tail technique and risk eroding its psychological illusion. He smiled as he dropped the whip to the floor knowing the last blow had never even touched her. The intimidating sound and the light disturbance of the air near her skin was all he required to make her come apart.

  His warm breath brushed her ear as he carefully brushed against her back and sensitive buttocks and thighs. “I’m going to take you now, but I warn you it will be hard and fast. I want you that bad.” His breath came out in a rush, short of breath from the exertion of the long session. “Then I will take care of you. When you are recovered I will take you ag
ain, slowly. But for now, I need to have you. I need to take you and reclaim you as mine.”

  He opened his leathers and released his aching shaft. No further words were necessary as he stepped up to her blazing ass, and thrust into her deep and hard. Their joining was intense and powerful. Both so aroused that they came after only a few powerful thrusts. They came together, each murmuring as the ecstasy swept over them.

  “My Master.”

  “My beautiful slave.”

  The End

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