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Little Light of Mine (Club Decadence) Page 14

  Dex moved Elena away from the gruesome scene and pulled out his phone. “I guess we better call the authorities. But first, I’m calling in Cap and the boys.”

  Hours later, Elena sat numbly on the couch next to her Papa. He had roused shortly after the shooting. The traumatic scene and the recoil of the shotgun had been too much for his weakened state and he had slipped momentarily into unconsciousness. Praying silently she held his hand. Surely they wouldn’t arrest her Papa. She listened to Dex outlining their case to the police detectives, explaining that it was self-defense. The witness statements combined with Luis’ earlier assault on Elena and his mile long rap sheet made them disinclined to hold the older man responsible.

  Luis’ lifeless body had been rolled out in a body bag by the medical examiner about an hour ago. Elena couldn’t bear to look at the blood stained carpet where he had died. She felt like she was floating outside her body, watching the action like a spectator on the set of a police drama. It was all so bizarre. Her stable, orderly life had taken a catastrophic turn with Luis’ assault a few years ago. With him gone now, maybe she could get off the crazy perpetual roller coaster ride her life had become.

  She squeezed her Papa’s hand tighter. He had pulled the trigger and ended the life of her rapist. She could only imagine what was going through his head - pain, remorse, guilt? Although he could barely speak, he and his poor stroke ravaged body had mustered enough strength to intervene in a crisis making Luis’ pay the ultimate price for his crimes. She worried how both of her parents would cope after this.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was as if a cement block had been lifted from her chest and she could breathe again. Despite the dramatic ending in her parents’ living room, Elena felt like she had closed the chapter in a horror novel and had moved on to a steamy romance. In the past five days since Luis’ death, she and Dex had been inseparable. When they gave their formal statements at police headquarters, he had been there with a supportive arm. She was with him when he went to The Club or to Rossi, although he had taken a leave for a few weeks to help get her sorted after the incident. They ate together, slept together and even bathed together. Dex had insisted that she move in with him immediately. He wanted her out of the room where Luis had attacked her and away from the scene of his gruesome death.

  She worried about her parents constantly. They were in a state of shock and considering putting the place up for sale or rent to get out of the home where such a malevolent force had been fostered. Elena thought that was an excellent idea but doubted the place would sell anytime soon considering the recent shooting and death there.

  Her father was guilt-ridden and depressed. As Elena had predicted, he felt responsible for everything that had happened to his daughter as a result of his bringing Luis into their home. This on top of his health issues placed a huge emotional burden on Hector, and she worried for her father’s mental health. Elena had spoken with her new trauma therapist that day and shared her concerns with her. They decided it would be good to include family therapy in her treatment plan, which would include both her parents and Dex and help them all deal with the horrific events and hopefully begin their healing as a family.

  “What’s that frown about?”

  Her frown instantly dissolved and was replaced by a sweet, sexy smile as she looked at Dex standing in the bathroom door. His tall muscular form was cast in shadow as he flipped off the bathroom light, leaving the bedroom lit only by the moonlight flooding in through the open French doors. Elena stretched on the big, soft bed, arching her back seductively as he drew near.

  “I love this great big bed, Dex.” She curled and stretched playfully as she snuggled deeper into the piles of soft pillows and sheets. “Mmmm… and these sheets are divine, what are they - a thousand thread count at least?”

  He stood at the side of the bed looking down at her. “That wasn’t an answer to my question. Remember we talked about honesty,Chiquita. There will be no more lies, mysteries or surprises in our relationship. So again, I’m asking you. Why were you frowning?”

  “I was thinking about papa and the shooting. It was so horrible. I try to block it out, but it keeps popping back into my head. I’m so worried about him.”

  “I think the family therapy will help us all but it will take time, my love. Together we will learn to push aside these intrusive images and thoughts and replace them with happy memories, yeah?

  “Yes, Sir,” She smiled up at him. “Can we start working on those happy memories now?”

  He returned her smile with enthusiasm, overjoyed and relieved that she was back in his bed. He reached down and slowly pulled off the top sheet, admiring the sight of her in his bed wearing only her skimpy amethyst gown. As she lay on her stomach, the thin straps and plunging back bared her gently curving spine from the nape of her neck to the small of her flawless back. Her silky legs were entirely exposed as the already short hem had ridden up and now just barely covered her enticingly rounded ass.

  It was very sexy but it would have to go. It was in his way. “Come here, Elena.” He crooked his finger in a beckoning motion and she immediately complied. She crawled across the bed and the low neckline fell away from her chest revealing her small but perfectly shaped breasts. When she was within reach he cupped her shoulders and brought her up to her knees at the edge of the mattress.

  “Little one, while you look incredibly sexy in that gown, I want you naked. Take it off.” His eyes gleamed with barely contained arousal. The slippery material glided over her skin and he watched eagerly as she pulled up her gown, revealing inch by beautiful inch. His eyes drank in the sight of her pale thighs, slim hips and flat belly as the gown travelled upward. Her nipples peaked in excitement as the material grazed her breasts and finally the gown was swept over her head and tossed aside. Finally, she knelt gloriously naked before him. Her skin gleamed in the silvery moonlight filtering in through the open doorway.

  When her hands were free she eagerly brought them up to touch his bare chest. “Dex, I have to touch you. Last time-,” she stopped abruptly. She didn’t want to bring up their last session or remember his coldness. That was before.

  “Chiquita, can you ever forgive me for that ridiculous display of male pride? Like an idiot, I thought if I kept my distance and remained detached I could have you without losing my heart again. I was needlessly cold and distant. I have to admit the plan was a colossal failure because every minute I was with you was torture. I wanted nothing more than to hold you, and kiss you, and make you mine again despite the past.”

  She glided her fingers and palms over his chest and flat abdomen, delighting in the feel of his body. Leaning in, she spread kisses across his bare flesh and moaned as she breathed in his intoxicating scent. “I was devastated, Dex. That’s why I couldn’t continue with our arrangement. I never stopped loving you, wanting you, craving you.” She rose up and pressed her aching breasts against his warm, hard chest. “But, I couldn’t be with you without you. Does that even make sense?”

  “I know exactly what you mean and I’m sorry, little one.” Both hands rose to cup her cheeks and he angled her head back seeking her mouth. He devoured her as the kiss ignited their passions. Although he wanted to give her time to touch and feel, to make up for him being a complete asshole the last time, he couldn’t hold back any longer. Without breaking contact with her mouth, his hands swept over her shoulders and down her back until he grasped her hips and fitted her against him. In an opened-mouth kiss, he slid down her cheek and then latched onto her neck, lashing her tattooed skin with long wet strokes of his tongue. He felt her shiver and responded with a groan against her heated skin, “I ache for you, Elena. Are you ready for this?”

  He had learned that the only time she had been with anyone since the rape was their recent scene at The Club. His guilt over the way he had treated her still weighed heavily on his mind. She had responded eagerly and had come for him. She hadn’t seemed afraid or distant until after, when he had left her alone.
  “Can you ever forgive me for the last time? I was a fool.”

  “My love, you didn’t know. You couldn’t. It is my fault for not telling you and you hold none of the blame.”

  “Let me make it up to you. Lie back now and let me love you.”

  Without hesitation, she sank back onto the pillows, holding her arms out to him and spreading her legs as she offered him all she had to give. Dex was on top of her in an instant, his weight and strength soothingly familiar. As his arms came around her he rolled them, reversing positions so that she was on top. “Take me deep inside and ride me. I want you to be in control as our bodies become one again.” He pulled her face down until they were nose to nose, his eyes staring passionately into hers. “I will never let you go again, my beautiful slave. You are mine.”

  Elena’s face became wet with tears as his words penetrated. He had called her his slave. “Yes! I belong to you,mi amo.” It seemed as though what was out of place in her world was suddenly righted and in perfect alignment. “My body, my heart and my soul belong only to you Master, for eternity. That never changed.” She was sobbing with the raw beauty of the moment as she began lowering her body onto his. She held his demanding gaze as she slowly seated herself, feeling the stretch and the slight burn as her muscles became reacquainted with his length and breadth. Impatiently, she began to move against him.

  “Shh… No more tears. There have been far too many already.” Dex knew he wasn’t going to last long as he held her hips firmly and met each downward glide with an upward thrust. “Ride me fast and hard, baby.” As he spoke this husky command he started to grind his hips against her pelvis, stimulating her clit with each thrust. He was straining to hold off his climax, wanting to wait for her but it had been far too long. Too long without holding her in his arms, much too long since he kissed her fragrant skin, and an eternity since he had made love to the woman he desired more than anything. “You feel too good for me to last. Are you ready to come for me now?”

  “Yes, I’m so full of you, Master. Nothing in this world is as beautiful as this.” She pressed her lips against his and they flew apart in each other’s arms. “Te amo, mi amor,” were the last words she managed to utter before she was flying in sated bliss while held securely in his strong arms.

  They held each other silently for a long time, waiting for their breathing and heart rates to return to normal. Dex roused first then he cuddled her close as he spoke softly into her ear. “I meant what I said earlier, Elena. You are mine. Since our love is still strong, we are going to reboot and try to recapture the essence of what we had. I know it won’t be exactly the same. We couldn’t help but be changed from what we’ve been through, but we are going to rebuild our relationship and re-establishing our trust is the first step. Do you understand? I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Yes Master. I understand and it will be my absolute pleasure to obey.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The following Wednesday Elena returned to The Club and was getting ready to perform her usual three sets. Although Dex had argued she was going back to work too soon, she had prevailed for once. She told him she would feel better keeping busy rather than dwelling on the latest trauma in her life. She had been tenacious in her arguments and it cost her a few well-deserved swats on her bottom, but she was back on stage performing. Her audience noticed an obvious difference in her song selection. Gone were the heart-wrenching songs of lost love, now replaced by ones with more positive messages.

  Dex was seated at a front table with Megan, Regan, Rick and Cap. She sang to him as if they were the only two people in the room. She glowed with happiness and the light of love beamed from her eyes. The showstopper had been when she sang the Al Green classic, “Let’s Stay Together”.

  Within seconds of her singing the famous first lines of the bluesy ballad, Dex had joined her on stage. He bent her over his arm and captured her mouth in a soul-searing kiss. The crowd went wild and Ronnie the lead guitarist took over without missing a beat as Dex carried her off stage to find a more private location. She didn’t return until the final set and was welcomed back with cheers, wolf whistles and cat calls which made her blush.

  Their family and friends were thrilled with their reunion. Elena’s friends especially were caught up in the loving words and passionate gestures between the couple. They were fascinated by their reunion and were sucked into the drama and romance like it was a story line from an afternoon soap opera.

  The following Wednesday, Regan and Megan declared as LBD day at The Club. All the subs would come to watch Elena perform dressed to the nine’s in their little black dresses. It happened to be open sub night so the twins invited their cousins Moon and Angela, Jenny their pastry chef and Lexie Berry.

  The women sat at a table in the front row but off to the side worried they would distract Elena as the liquor flowed freely. Megan was supervising as she was due anytime in the next two weeks and was sipping on a virgin strawberry daiquiri. Regan and the other girls were sharing a pitcher of margaritas and were singing along with Elena as they started to feel the mellowing effects of the alcohol. Regan had shared that she had been given a strict two-drink minimum by Rick because he had hopes for playtime later that evening.

  The girls had a wonderful time, chatting and reminiscing about high school all under the watchful eyes of The Club owners Cap, Rick, Dex and Jonas who were all stationed in the lounge that evening. The twins were in matchmaking mode and called Master Jonas over to meet a blushing Lexie. Regan knew that Jonas was busy opening a mixed martial arts studio but was also looking for a model to help him with a private project. Regan thought that Lexie with her gymnastics and modeling experience, as well as her openness to BDSM, would be perfect for Jonas, in more ways than one.

  Jonas was a tall, well-built Dom who at 6’2” was a few inches shorter than Cap, Rick and Dex, but he was no pushover. He was a karate grand master and also held belts in Taekwondo, and jujitsu. He could take down any of the guys, even Cap and Lil T who were bigger and outweighed him by thirty or forty pounds.

  Regan invited him to join them as he walked up to their table during one of Elena’s breaks. Cap, Rick and Dex had also joined the ladies table and each held their subs on their laps. Cap had his arms full with a squirming and protesting Megan.

  “I’m too big to sit on your lap, Captain.” She grumbled and then let out an uncomfortable moan as she pressed her hand against her swollen belly. “One of these buggers has a knee or an elbow in my ribs.”

  Cap rubbed her distended belly and smiled, always right there to offer a supportive arm or hand in this case. “Just sit here quietly and let me soothe our boys, Angel.”

  She surrendered her argument and leaned back against him, letting him massage her belly with his big hands. She moaned in pleasure. “That feels so good I don’t care if I squash you, Captain.”

  “It looks like you’re about to pop anytime Meg.” Lexie laughed with a twinkle in her eyes. Her short little friend was enormous with her twins, looking almost as wide as she was tall. “Maybe I should get my black bag out of my car just in case.”

  “Bite your tongue, woman. No way is she delivering my boys at The Club in front of all these gawkers and perverts.” Cap grumbled this as he watched Megan’s belly ripple in waves as the twins jockeyed for position in his wife’s womb. There couldn’t be much room left in there.

  “Maybe I should get you home, Angel.”

  “No Tony, please. I want to hear Elena’s last set. She usually does such sad ballads. But now that she’s back with Dex, I can’t wait to hear her new material.”

  “I go on in a few minutes, Cap, and it’s a short set. Dex asked me to be done by midnight from now on.”

  “Yeah, and I’m thinking of pushing that back to eleven. I’m getting tired of sharing. These poor slobs will have to find someone else to drool over and fantasize about into the wee hours.

  “Dex, no one’s doing that.”

  “Wanna bet? I saw some
new guy giving you the once over earlier. Jonas had to hold me back.” He said this as he rubbed his nose along her exposed shoulder and sensitive neckline. He was very possessive and protective of his little submissive. As he licked at her leather play collar he made a mental note to dig her public collar out of storage as soon as possible. He wanted everyone to know she was unavailable and belonged to him.

  Jonas nodded and confirmed the accuracy of Dex’s claim. “I thought I was going to have to get him in a sleeper hold there for a minute. Either that or we would have had a barroom brawl on our hands. Sean would have been pissed if he had to order new furniture again. Most of this stuff is brand new.”

  They all laughed and Regan looked at Lexie and Jonas with a twinkle in her eye. They looked good together. Her wholesome girl next-door image complemented his All American good looks and athletic build. “You know Master Jonas, Lexie has done some modeling. She might be interested in that project you have in the works.”

  Rick gave Regan a warning squeeze, knowing his matchmaking wife had Jonas in her sights. Regan ignored his warning. She wasn’t meddling; she was just connecting two people with a common interest.

  Jonas looked at Lexie and admired her wholesome beauty. She wore little makeup, which gave her a fresh youthful appearance that pleased him. Many of the club sumissives had too heavy a hand with the makeup brushes and he didn’t care for it. He admired her figure in her bright yellow halter style dress. It showed off her curves to perfection, baring her shoulders and upper back. Her tanned skin had a healthy glow and was further enhanced by the bright yellow fabric. She had long wavy brown hair streaked with blonde highlights from the summer sunshine. He smiled, thinking that was exactly what she reminded him of, a ray of sunshine. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Lexie. That’s a very pretty dress.”