Little Light of Mine (Club Decadence) Read online

Page 12

  Dex spent the next month trying to exorcise thoughts of her from his tortured soul. He couldn’t wrap his brain around what she could have done to be blackmailed. This wasn’t the Elena he had fallen in love with. But he questioned whether he had ever really known her at all. Thoughts of her consumed him and he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t concentrate on work both at Rossi and The Club. Something had to give.

  He buried himself in work and played in his spare time. At work he eagerly accepted out of town assignments that took him away from San Antonio and Elena as often as possible. At The Club he scened whenever he could, seeking out subs that looked like her, trying to purge her from his system, again. But this was self-imposed torture. He then switched to subs that were her total opposite; thinking maybe something different would overwrite the image in his mind. This made it even more painful when his twisted mind morphed each one into her image, giving them a short, sassy black hair cut and tattoos.

  Nothing could shut out the haunting memories of Elena. He decided that the constant barrage of women was the problem, what he needed was a new D/s relationship where he could settle into a routine with consistency. He had been floundering from woman to woman for too long. That’s how he got involved with Shelby.

  Shelby was a true submissive and found pleasure solely by pleasing him. After topping her exclusively for a few weeks, he realized it wasn’t going to work. There was no spark, no passion. Even the sex was boring and monotonous after the newness wore off. There was something to be said about controlling a strong, sassy woman and earning her submission. He wanted a challenge both in and outside the bedroom. Although Shelby was a beautiful woman, she wasn’t what he wanted. She wasn’t Elena.

  Frustrated, he knew he couldn’t continue topping her and giving her false hope wasn’t fair. She wanted a contract, he knew because she had told him so up front. He broke it off with her before Christmas. But he didn’t go back to playing casually. He was tired of the endless parade of women who just didn’t quite meet his standards. Some were too aggressive for his taste, either too bratty or they were smart ass masochists, also known as SAM’s, who weren’t interested in submission and being controlled, but provoked solely to be punished. They were the worst and he usually paired them up with a sadist to meet their needs instead. On the other end of the spectrum were the clingy, cloying submissives who were looking for 24/7 owners and were simply too eager to please. To him, there was such a thing as too submissive. Lately, he found that he didn’t have the energy to dominate the former or the patience for the latter. He wanted sass, spunk and personality with an equal amount of submission and obedience. He wanted what he couldn’t have, Elena.

  Over the long winter months, Elena settled into a routine. She played at The Club three nights a week and spent her off nights at home helping care for papa. He was doing much better, his recovery slow but he was walking again with a cane. His speech was not progressing and his inability to communicate frustrated him.

  Elena was relieved that Luis seemed to have disappeared. He didn’t come home over the holidays and had dropped out of sight for months after. Elena and her band were staying busy with their regular club nights and had picked up a lot of extra gigs, especially weddings. They had even played at Cap and Megan’s wedding in February. With the arrival of spring and the wedding season, their calendar was filling up with special events many of which were referrals from Decadence, Megan’s bakery. Megan had hired a wedding planner for their new catering line of business and Elena decided it was a good idea to stop in and meet her and express her thanks. So with Lil T as her ever-present shadow, she went to her meeting bearing publicity shots and DVD’s of the band’s performances for the planner to show prospective clients.

  Lil T left her to her meeting with the new manager as he headed out on an errand. The bakery and The Club were among the few places deemed safe for her to be without her bodyguard because of the surveillance. By the time her meeting concluded, T had not returned so Elena decided to sample one of Megan’s signature chocolate éclairs. As she relaxed in the cozy bakery with her pastry and coffee, she was startled by a familiar voice that sent chills running down her spine.

  “Well lookee here, it’s my sweet little sister.” He slid into the seat next to her and smiled at her with a slimy sneer that made her shudder. She looked around for Lil T. “Your boyfriend letsyou out alone,mi puta?”

  He laughed at her startled expression. “Yes bitch, I know you’ve got a 24-hour shadow. I thought you broke up with your Master before you took off for California?”

  “What do you want Luis?”

  “I need your help again, little sister. You made an excellent mule. But let’s not talk here. Let’s go back to the house and have a chat.” He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her out of her chair.

  Her skin crawled from his touch and she pulled away. But this was the opportunity she had been waiting for. She needed to go along with him, but not to the house. She wouldn’t expose her parents to his dirty deals or place them at risk. She floundered for an excuse. “No, not there, Papa is having therapy and there won’t be any privacy. We can talk here.”

  Luis shook his head. He spied Megan’s office. “How about your friend’s office, she won’t mind I’m sure?” Without waiting for an answer, he hauled her into the office, closing and locking the door behind him. Elena had tried to get the attention of one of the bakery workers, but the staff had all been busy with customers and she doubted anyone had noticed Luis’ rough handling. She prayed that one of the Rossi men had noticed Luis enter the bakery. Please Lord she prayed, let there be cameras in Megan’s private office. She wanted a record of everything and hoped Luis would say something to incriminate himself. Elena shuddered at the thought of being alone with him but was sure that Luis wouldn’t be stupid enough to do something to harm her right there in the bakery.

  But she was wrong. Once alone in the office he pressed her against the door and started rubbing against her. A wave of nausea hit Elena and she pushed at his chest. Never again, she vowed.

  “Get off me, Luis. Your touch makes me sick. I’d rather die than have your hands on me again.”

  Across town at Rossi headquarters, Dex had been summoned to the surveillance room as soon as Luis walked into the bakery. When he arrived he found Jack on duty. He had a grim look on his face as he pointed to one of the bakery feeds. Dex couldn’t believe the scene that was unfolding before his eyes. What the hell? Luis was all over Elena in the bakery office and in none too brotherly a fashion.

  “I’ve already contacted the team. T is closest. He’s five minutes out.” It would take Dex at least twenty to get to the bakery at this time of day, so he had no recourse but to watch helplessly. He would have to trust T to get there in time.

  “Put the audio on speaker, Jack.” The sound of their voices was clear as both men watched the scene play out.

  Powerless, he watched Elena struggle to fight off Luis’ hands. He grunted with pride as he saw her use some of the self-defense moves he had taught her. She stomped on his instep as she jammed her thumbs into his throat and he immediately backed off, choking for air. Dex’s slight smile faded at her words.

  “You son of a bitch! Never again will I allow your filthy hands on me.” Elena’s husky voice shook with rage. “You and your disgusting friends have taken everything from me, but no more.”

  Luis returned her glare with anger blazing in his eyes. He reached down and slid a knife out of his boot. “Does this change your mind,puta? You’ll do what I say, when I say just like a good little slave.” Elena backed around the room putting distance between them. He had a crazed look in his eyes. She suspected that he was strung out on something, as usual.

  He followed her as she moved around the desk. “I think I want another taste of that sweet pussy. You were the best fuck I’ve had in a long time. Does Dex know I rode his sweet whore’s pussy and loved her long and hard?”

  “That wasn’t love. It was rape. And assaultCrabrón! I ende
d up in the hospital for ten days.”

  Rage consumed him. Dex couldn’t wait for Lil T anymore. They had already alerted the police and all available Rossi men in the area were en route to the bakery. He would kill the bastard for putting his hands on his woman. “Jack, try to get T on the horn and give him an update. Tell him the son of a bitch has a knife. I’m on my way.” He prayed for the first time in a very long time as he tore out of the parking garage. Please God; let T get there in time.

  Elena was panicked. She backed into a bakery shelf and her eyes scanned quickly for a weapon. Damn! Where did they keep the knives? Rolling pins, baking pans, cupcake tins, nothing on the shelves would do her any good.

  A hard banging on the door that rattled the hinges startled them. Their eyes turned just as another bang sounded and the frame splintered. Still the lock held firm. Luis cursed and sprinted to the rear door that led to the back parking lot. He fled just as T’s boot came through, slamming the door back against the wall, the handle embedding into the sheet rock.

  His eyes scanned the room taking in the open door and then found Elena slumping to the floor as her shaking knees gave way. She nodded and pointed to the door. “I’m OK; get Luis.” He was out the door in a second and she curled up on the floor as the tears overcame her.

  Unsure of how long she lay there, she was roused by the sound of squealing tires followed by pounding boots on pavement. As she raised her head, Dex ran through the back door, gun in hand just as Sean entered from the bakery side. “Elena, my God!” The next instant, Dex was on the floor beside her searching for injuries. “Are you hurt? Did he cut you?”

  She was sobbing so hard she couldn’t speak but managed to shake her head no. He gathered her into his arms, cradling her on his lap and rocking her, whispering soothing words against her hair. He let her settle for a few moments before pressing for information. “Baby, breathe. Tell me what happened to Luis and T?”

  “He… ran out the… back door … T… chasing him.” She could barely get the words out and buried her face in his neck as she gripped his shirt in her fists, holding onto him like a lifeline.

  “I’m on it Dex.” Sean exited the back door leaving Dex to comfort a hysterical Elena.

  “How-,” she took a shuddering breath and tried again. “How did you know?”

  “Cameras. We’ve had the bakery under surveillance for months.” He waited to see if it would sink in. He wouldn’t bring it up if she didn’t mention it, at least not now. He didn’t have to wait however.

  “You heard then?”

  “Yeah,Chiquita, I heard it all.” He pressed his lips against her temple and held her tightly. How she must have suffered.

  “I couldn’t tell you, Dex. I was afraid you would kill him. Please don’t go after him. Let T or Sean do it. I couldn’t stand it if you went to prison because of me. Promise me.” She begged and cried inconsolably as she climbed his chest desperately needing to get closer

  “Hush now… I have you.” He stroked her back, soothing, calming her. “We don’t have to talk about this right now. Let me get you home first.”

  She panicked. “No, mama and papa mustn’t find out.”

  “No, baby, my home. I’m taking you home with me.” Dex lifted her against his chest and easily rose to his feet. He started out the door just as Lil T and Sean were coming up the back stairs. They shook their head at him indicating that Luis had gotten away. “Call Cap and Rick and have the rest of the team meet at my place at six o’clock. I’m taking her home.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Once she started, it all came pouring out. Elena told him the whole story about the rape and her terrifying ride to the hospital which landed her in the ICU. She told him about the pictures Bobby had of them in BDSM play, the blackmail, and of the ride to the drug drop and their manhandling her in the back seat. She filled him in on her suicide attempt and running away to California. The events of the first year she shamefully admitted were a blur because of the drugs. He already knew about her stay in rehab so she told him about her struggle to stay straight, find work and make ends meet until mama called her back home. Once the catharsis was complete, she rested against him in his big king sized bed in a state of complete emotional exhaustion.

  Dex was in a state of shock, his mind racing He couldn’t begin to grasp the horrors his little light had suffered over the past two years. Volatile emotions churned inside him, grief and pain, sorrow and regret. And anger… No, that didn’t describe the rage that consumed him. He seethed with fury at her rapist and abusers. He was angry with himself for giving up and letting her handle this on her own. He knew something was wrong, but he had relented. He was also angry at Elena for keeping this from him and causing them both more pain and grief than was necessary. Dear God, he thought, she had actually tried to kill herself. And failing that had turned to drugs and alcohol to deal with the pain.

  It was going to take some time to work through all this. Although finally knowing what she had been hiding was a relief, he didn’t know how to begin repairing their relationship. It was going to take some professional help. There was a lot he didn’t know but one thing was certain, he would have his Elena back in his arms, in his bed, in his life now regardless of her deep, devastating secret.

  Dex had her soaking in a warm bath when the doorbell rang. He reluctantly left her relaxing in the tub as he went to answer the door. He opened it to admit Lexie Berry, a nurse practitioner friend of Elena’s. She had insisted he call, her refusing a psychiatrist or a trip to the emergency room. They quickly introduced themselves before he led her upstairs.

  “How’s she doing?”

  “She’s traumatized after facing the man who raped her at knife point.”

  “Good grief! You didn’t tell me that on the phone.”

  “I’m sorry, Lexie, but it was a little involved to get into on the phone. I have her in the tub trying to get her to relax, but she can’t shut off. I’m worried. With her drug history I’m afraid to give her anything, but she can’t go on like this. She won’t be able to sleep. I’m worried she’s headed for a complete breakdown again if we don’t do something soon.”

  “I understand. Can I see her now?”

  Dex nodded and led her to the master suite. “Wait here a moment.”

  A few minutes later Elena emerged wrapped in one of his button up shirts. It swallowed her with the tail hitting just above the knee and the sleeves rolled in a thick wad of material around her elbows. Her hair was damp from her bath and she was pale, bleary eyed and looked exhausted. She held tightly to Dex as she gave Lexie a weak smile. “Lex, I’m so glad you could come. Dex shouldn’t have bothered you though, I’m fine.”

  “Nonsense, I’m always happy to help out a friend.” She crossed the room and gave Elena a warm embrace. “You look like you’ve been through the wringer, honey. Why don’t you lie down and let me check on you.”

  Lexie examined her and took her blood pressure. She frowned because it was low but not alarmingly so. “I really would like to get some lab work. You’re pale, your blood pressure is low and…” she leaned over and pulled down her lower eyelid and had her stick her tongue out one more time. “Your mucous membranes are pale and dry so you’re probably dehydrated and anemic.” She looked at Dex then. “Do you have any sports drinks with electrolytes?”

  At his nod she sent him off to get their patient a drink and some food. This gave her time to speak to Elena alone. “How are you really honey? Are you OK being here? If not say the word and I’ll get you out.”

  Elena smiled tiredly at her friend. “You look tough Lex, but Dex was a Green Beret. I doubt you could get me out of here if you tried. But don’t worry; I’m happy to stay with him. I still love him Lex. He knows what happened now and I’m tired of fighting it.”

  “Glad to hear it,Chiquita. I still love you, too. And I appreciate your concern Lexie, but she’s safe with me.” Dex winked at Elena as he handed her an open Vitamin Water. “You’ll be happy to hear that Megan
just arrived with Cap. She is making you something to eat and sparing you my cooking.”

  He sat down on the bed next to her and leaned against the headboard. Slipping an arm around her shoulders, he curled her into his side. “So what do you think, Doc?”

  “I’m not a doctor but a nurse practitioner and I think she’s going to be OK. I do recommend scheduling an appointment with a mental health professional as soon as possible, someone who deals with trauma, rape and PTSD specifically. Elena, I’m going to give you a prescription for something to help you sleep. It’s not likely to be habit forming. Until you get it filled or get something else from your psychiatrist, you can take fifty milligrams of Benadryl, if needed.” Lexie sat back and looked at her friend closely. “You look exhausted sweetheart, and you’re much too thin. I want you to start eating regularly, drink lots of water and rest.”

  “I’ll see that she does. She’s under my roof now and will find my rules for her health are a little different than her own.” Elena’s dominant Dex had emerged and was in his caretaking mode. She had missed that so much. He always made sure she looked after herself, something that had fallen by the wayside since she left. She smiled and snuggled into his side.

  Because her friend didn’t mind his arrogant response, Lexis let that comment go without question. “If you need anything else, please call me. After all this… uh, drama is over let’s get together for dinner like we planned. I miss my best friend.” Lexie hugged Elena, handed Dex her card and the script and then let herself out.

  “I’ve missed her, too. We were best friends in high school and we told each other everything. She was the only one I confided in after it happened.” She got quiet after she said that. It was hard to even refer to “it” abstractly after keeping it a secret for so long.

  Dex stroked her short curls and kissed the top of her head. He reflected on how different things could have been if she had just come to him instead. But he didn’t want to get into all that just now. She needed rest and a lot of TLC. “I’m glad she was there for you. She seems very competent, but I’ll get you scheduled to see your family doctor as soon as possible and make both of us an appointment with a therapist.”